POST #74 - Jesus could walk on water and the APOSTLE Peter did for a short period. - The Biblicist
POST #75 - You and DHK have not admitted the error of saying the disciples did not walk on water. - Moriah
Here is your first lie! As readers can see I fully admitted Peter did walk on water in post #74 but in Post #75 you included me in denying that Peter walked on water. In spite of me pointing this out you went on in the following posts and lied over and over again saying I did not admit it:
POST #85 Then do not come and defend it, if you do not want to be lumped with it.
Since you defend what DHK said, then you defend what DHK said. You both cannot admit I have corrected you. - Moriah
POST#87 - You defended DHK when I corrected him about no disciples walked on water. If you defend someone for what they say, then you will be lumped with them. - Moriah
Of course the reader can see I distinctly admitted at the very first post that Peter walked on water and yet every single post after that I am accused falsely of denying Peter walked on water. Hence, you lied over and over again
These are just the beginning of your lies. After repeatedly denying that I had admitted that Peter walked on water, you then pretend you never made such a charge but really was charging me with confirming that DHK had previously admitted miracles, signs and wonders were administered by the apostles but were restricted to the apostolic age and not now.
However, the readers can see that is not what you had been charging me with at all but caught in your lies you lie to get out of it:
POST #89 - Stop calling me a liar. Here is what you said! You quoted me concerning my correcting DHK about Peter walking on water. You said, “ DHK and I have already admitted this is true about the apostles as we pointed to the "signs of an apostle"” - Moriah
However, even this NEW CHARGE is a lie because I documented that DHK had previously admitted that miracles signs and wonders were administered by the hands of the apostles:
POST #23 - "They were "the signs of an apostle." They authenticated the apostle and the apostle's message, were given during a time that revelation was being given. Now is not that time." DHK
POST #30 - "They were sign gifts of the Apostles. They verified the message of the Apostles, and of the Apostles themselves.
"...confirmed to us by those that heard signs, wonders...and by gifts of the Holy Spirit."
Those that heard him were the Apostles. They testified of the works of the Lord by the gifts of the Holy Spirit which were given to them. There are no Apostles today, hence no supernatural gifts today" - DHK
POST #62 - And Christ never commanded us to do miracles. There is no verse in the Bible where Christ commands us to do miracles. Can you point to one - DHK
Hence, you have lied repeatedly by falsely charging that I did not admit Peter walked on water. Then you lied to get out of that false charge by making another false charge.