Even the RCC, which I detest so greatly, even to the point of considering them a cult, believes in some orthodox Christian doctrine like the trinity. They also believe in original sin, the depravity of man, and that that depravity is passed on from one generation to another, or that it is inherited. In other words they (long ago) repudiated the heresy of Pelagianism, as did most of Christianity.
What Christian groups are totally Pelagian in their statement of faith?
First, if HP gives the name, website (if any) or provides the statement of faith of the Southern Baptist Church that he attends I can guarantee you that they do not hold to the tenets of Pelagius, or the doctrines that he has been espousing on this board. They are a long way from Biblical. People are sincere, and sincerely wrong. There are not opposing views of Scripture. There is right and wrong. Someone is wrong. And there are many wrong views presented on this board.
Nobody has attained to sinlessness. And those that claim that they have are deceived. They need to know the truth, and their eyes need to be opened to the truth. The Bible says (when they make that claim that: "they are calling Christ a liar and His Word is not in them" (1John 1:10).
Thus it is a serious thing to make a statement of sinlessness. It is heretical. To call Christ a liar is blasphemous.