You are an outright lying hypocrit and Post #90 under the thread "Nine Gifts of the Spirit" documents your lies!
You lying again!
First, just as I said DHK had already admitted that the sign gifts were restricted to Christ and the apostles and I quote:
POST #23 - "They were "the signs of an apostle." They authenticated the apostle and the apostle's message, were given during a time that revelation was being given. Now is not that time." DHK
POST #30 - "They were sign gifts of the Apostles. They verified the message of the Apostles, and of the Apostles themselves.
"...confirmed to us by those that heard signs, wonders...and by gifts of the Holy Spirit."
Those that heard him were the Apostles. They testified of the works of the Lord by the gifts of the Holy Spirit which were given to them. There are no Apostles today, hence no supernatural gifts today" - DHK
POST #62 - And Christ never commanded us to do miracles. There is no verse in the Bible where Christ commands us to do miracles. Can you point to one - DHK
So you are lying about DHK as well, because he did formerly admit that the apostles did do these things but denied there is any command that we do them today. Indeed, he even used Peter healing others as an example of miracle power given them by Christ. So you have lied about DHK.
Second, this was not the issue between you and me and you know it. You have changed the subject to escape your lies! Let the readers see how you changed the subject to escape being caught in lying about me. Here are your words:
A. Original statement by me and Charge by You:
POST #74 - Jesus could walk on water and the APOSTLE Peter did for a short period. - The Biblicist
POST #75 - You and DHK have not admitted the error of saying the disciples did not walk on water. - Moriah
B. My Response to your charge:
POST #77 - BTW where did I ever say that the disciples of Jesus did not walk on water???????? If I said, quote it and give the post#. I think you are confusing me with someone else. - The Biblicist
POST #84 - That is not what you said! Here are your exact words:
You and DHK have not admitted the error of saying the disciples did not walk on water. - Moriah
So, you just didn't accuse DHK of saying that, you accused me also! However, I never said it! - The Biblicist
POST #79 - DHK said the disciples could not walk on water. I corrected DHK with scripture. Do you get it now? - Moriah
POST #84 - That is not what you said! Here are your exact words:
You and DHK have not admitted the error of saying the disciples did not walk on water. - Moriah
So, you just didn't accuse DHK of saying that, you accused me also! However, I never said it! - The Biblicist
POST #85 Then do not come and defend it, if you do not want to be lumped with it.
Since you defend what DHK said, then you defend what DHK said. You both cannot admit I have corrected you. - Moriah
POST #86 - Wrong again! I never did defend it. Read what I said:
Jesus could walk on water and the APOSTLE Peter did for a short period. - Biblicist
It was AFTER I said the above that you falsely accused me of stating that none but Christ ever walked on water! Your accusation was false then and it is false now as I NEVER said any such thing. - The Biblicist
POST#87 - You defended DHK when I corrected him about no disciples walked on water. If you defend someone for what they say, then you will be lumped with them. - Moriah
C. At this point you change your accusation from claiming I denied any apostle walked on water TO a completely different charge in order to escape your lie that I had agreed with DKH that no apostle walked on water (which I never stated). You attempt to make it appear that what you were really charging me all time with something completely different.
POST #88 - You sir are an intentional lying two faced hypocrite! I never defended DHK's statement and my words prove it! You are a liar and everyone on this thread knows you are a liar and lying is sin. - The Biblicist
POST #89 - Stop calling me a liar. Here is what you said! You quoted me concerning my correcting DHK about Peter walking on water. You said, “ DHK and I have already admitted this is true about the apostles as we pointed to the "signs of an apostle"”
DHK did NOT admit it. Again, you lumped yourself with DHK when you STATE YOURSELF that YOU and DHK have admitted it. Nowhere did DHK say I was right when I corrected him that Peter did in fact walk on water. YOU SAID "DHK and I have already admitted ..."
However, Post 89 is another falsification of facts. You ommitted my first words which are the very words your Post's 75, 79, 85, 87 deny I ever said -
"Jesus could walk on water and the APOSTLE Peter did for a short period. Jesus could also resurrect the dead and so could his Apostles."
You then jump over those words to a second statement which was NEVER the accusation you made against me in Posts 75, 79, 85, and 87. However, you now conveniently pretend that was your accusation in posts 75, 79, 85, and 87 when every reader can see clearly it was not - Hence, you are caught in another lie in an attempt to escape your first lie.
CONCLUSION: What DHK and I said about signs and wonders being restricted to the Apostlic age and not for today is a matter of record previous to where either you or I entered into this discussion (Posts #'s 23,30,62).
What you explicitly charged me with and charged me falsely with is that I took sides with DHK in denying Peter walked on water when I did not as Post# 74 proves I did not.
You continued making this same exact false charge in Posts #'s 75, 79, 85, 87
You then change the charge completely to something different in post #89, thus lying in order to escape being exposed as a liar. You pretend that you never charged me with with denying Peter walked on water by making it appear you were really charging me with affirming that DHK had already admitted that Christ's signs and wonders were restricted to the apostles and apostolic age which Posts #'s 23,30,62 prove he had admitted that.
You have been caught in a lie. Now you are caught in trying to escape a lie by telling another lie that you were really charging me about something completely different than Peter walking on water but with affirming that DHK had already admitted miracles, signs and wonders were performed by the apostles but restricted to the apostolic age. However that was not your original charge against me and YOU KNOW IT and so does every reader on this forum now know it because I have just reproduced the record of our debates and your posts
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. - Isa. 8:20
Isa 48:8 Yea, thou heardest not; yea, thou knewest not; yea, from that time that thine ear was not opened: for I knew that thou wouldest deal very treacherously, and wast called a transgressor from the womb.