Yes, agreed.
Yes, agreed again.
As you know, I am a Calvinist. I believe that the ability to believe is a gift from God. I have never heard, nor do I believe, that faith is self-generated.
I also believe that the ability to believe is a gift from God, except I believe every person has this ability. We use faith every day in hundreds of ways. Every time you use an elevator you are exercising faith, you are trusting the elevator to take you to the 6th floor without falling and killing you.
I do not understand why folks believe all men have the ability to trust an elevator, but do not have the ability to trust the gospel when they hear it. It doesn't make sense.
Yes, we do. For instance, I have never heard anyone who instructed a sinner to cry out for mercy to stop there. The lost man is often told to "say this prayer," or "repeat this after me." Such a prayer is treated as some "magic words."
I completely disagree. When I prayed to Jesus I did not believe I was reciting magic words, I believed (I know) I was praying directly to Jesus.
When we get married we are often told to "repeat after me" and give our vows. Now, you either mean what you are saying or you don't. The sincere person realizes they are not just saying words but making actual promises to their spouse. It is the same with a sinner.
When one's sole testimony of salvation is "I prayed the prayer," it makes me really nervous.
And yet you can find literally tens of thousands of faithful Christians who have been serving the Lord for decades who will tell you this is how they were saved.
I also get nervous when I hear someone describe their salvation experience as "I walked the aisle."
I walked the aisle 48 years ago and I still believe in Jesus.
Even preachers get caught up in it. I'm sure you've heard a preacher stand down front and exhort people to "come to Christ." Meaning, down here where I am.
Many preachers will tell you they walked the aisle and prayed a prayer to trust Jesus.
I sometimes think we are in a Baptist culture which does not trust the Holy Spirit to do his enlightening and convicting work, and so we have to help Him do his job. I fantasize about the preacher's exhorting, "Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (or confess him as Lord)" and then he just shuts up and waits for the Spirit to do his work.
OK, and where does that leave the believer? The sinners prayer is really a help and assurance to the believer. Paul said whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, but he then asked, and how shall they call upon him in whom they have not believed? The prayer doesn't save you, the prayer is the evidence of the faith you already had. If you truly do not believe in Jesus, you are not going to pray to him.
You know, sometimes we doubt. We shouldn't, but we do. Well, when I doubt, I can recall that I called on Jesus to save me. I KNOW I did this, and I KNOW I meant it. I also KNOW that the scriptures say whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Thus, from God's word I KNOW I am saved. That is why verses like Romans 10:13 are given in the scriptures, to reassure us. It is an evidence of the faith we exercised in Jesus.
But what if folks are told they must experience supernatural regeneration before they are able to believe, where does this leave a person? They are left waiting for some mysterious, magical experience that never happens. And when this "experience" never happens, they may worry they were never saved and never one of God's elect. You have made simple faith that we use every day into some mysterious thing that is not easily understood, and never experienced.
Believing is something you can KNOW you have done. When you rode the elevator down 6 floors, you KNOW you believed the elevator, it is not some mysterious magical thing.
It is folks who confuse people on what faith is and who can have it that makes salvation difficult.
Again, agreed. But we need to blow a certain trumpet, and not throw other stuff in there. The gospel is not praying a prayer, walking an aisle, signing a card and straightening out your life. We need to be clear about what the gospel is, and also clear about what it is not.
And the scriptures say whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is as simple as it gets. A person can know from this verse if they call upon Jesus to forgive their sins and save them they will be saved. But then folks come along and tell them it is more complicated than that and cause the person to doubt and fear. No wonder so many folks are filled with doubt.