please elaborate further.
Yikes, I might have opened a can of worms. I'm not eve sure where to start. Lordship Salvation is entirely related to Soteriology. It is intertwined with the 5 points of Calvinism.
Go through all the issues and scriptures debated between LS proponents and Arminians, and the end result is the same. They like to debate Root versus Fruit, whether or not it's possible to fall away, whether someone responds to God's call or if it's effectual, whether grace is irresistible or an issue of Free Will, but when every issue and passage is viewed, both sides reach the same conclusion about the person/people in question:
Parable of the Sower:
4 groups - the first, clearly not a believer. The next two groups receive the Word with joy then fall away at various times. The fourth group are the only ones who persevere. Now ask both camps - of the four groups, which ones will be in heaven?
LS view - only group 4
Arminian - only group 4
Hebrews 6:4-6:
Is it possible for a genuine believer to fall away? One says he was saved, then lost his salvation. The other says he never was saved in the first place. Bottom line, will he be in heaven?
LS view - no
Arminian - no
Limited Atonement:
One says Christ died for only the elect, and only those will be saved. The other says Christ died for everyone, but only some receive Christ and endure to the end. Let's just use a round number for an apples to apples comparison, say 1 million people. LS view says Christ died for only 1 million, and they will all be in heaven. Arminian says that Christ died for everyone, but only one million believed and endured to the end. Bottom line, how many people will be in heaven?
LS view - 1 million
Arminian - 1 million
Enduring to the end:
Same result as the above issue. Whether it was only 1 million who were elect, or if it were only 1 million who endured to the end, the bottom line is the same. How many in heaven?
LS view - 1 million
Arminian - 1 million
Put a specific number of exactly the same individuals in the middle of each and every issue that is debated, and the bottom line is exactly the same.
Both sides teach that if Jesus is not Lord of your life, then you will not be in heaven.
Free will:
One says God gives every man a measure of faith and that man chooses Christ, the other says that God elects some, and gives them a change of disposition (new birth), then the man chooses Christ form a godly disposition. But whether a man chooses Christ from his own free will, or a man chooses Christ from a born again disposition, both sides say a man chooses Christ. Bottom line - whether God effectually called 1 million people, or only 1 million people responded to a universal call, how may will be in heaven?
LS view - 1 million
Arminian - 1 million
Believer vs. following:
Both sides confuse the issue of believing versus following. One side says we must believe and follow in order to go to heaven, while the other says that following is a component of truly believing. Bottom line - if only 1 million people believe and follow, how many will be in heaven?
LS view - 1 million
Arminian - 1 million
Fruit of faith, assurance:
Both sides teach that a man's works ultimately determine a person's eternal destiny. James 2:14-26 says a man is justified by works. One side says that the one who endures in good works will be saved and cannot have assurance until the end of his life. If he doesn't endure, he will lose his salvation. The other says the one who is saved will endure to the end, and can only have assurance at the end of his life. If he doesn't endure, his faith was spurious. Bottom line - if a man has faith, but has not works, will he be in heaven?
LS view - no
Arminian - no
Different packaging, but the same surprise in the box - no works, no heaven.
Each side professes Sola Scriptura, but both are guilty of employing Scripturae Dimidium, or "Half of Scripture"
Both sides hurl scriptures back and forth, pitting scripture against scripture. One side plainly rejects the scriptures which speak of a believer's absolute eternal security, while the other flatly rejects the scriptures which speak of the real danger of falling away.
Hope that helps