many angry people throwing accusations around like they're nothing...
The greatest plagues of sin have beset Christianity when it is combined with blind nationalism. In Germany in the 1930s and early 1940s there was an immediate attachment of political and national will with the Church. We all know what happened there.
The worst things imaginable happen when we blindly combine the two.
Are our faith and our national citizenship somehow inextricably tied together?
I believe we are citizens of two countries. But our greatest allegiance is to that far country which we are promised (Hebrews 11:13-14.) While we can, and should, remain gracious and live rightly while in this corrupt land we must realize that it is temporal and we have a greater calling in life.
America is just another country in a pantheon of them in our world. How are we greater than any other country?
I hear people say and pray "God bless America" but hasn't he already done that? Seriously, haven't we had the blessing of God. But what have we done with it? Used it to create a system of consumerization that can destroy a person in a heartbeat? Proliferated a pagan ideal of might make right? Maybe its time for God to remove His blessing.
C4K said:
Can one be a solid Christian in America, or any other country, and not be a nationalist?
Of course. I like the United States, but I'm not first and foremost a Patriot. I'm first and foremost a follower of Christ and patriotic is way down the list.
I don't care for 4th of July Services. I don't theologically care for churches that sing "God Bless America" or "My Country Tis of Thee" or "The Star Spangled Banner" in their services. I have a problem with that. The Church is to be something separate from the State. We have different roles. Our people get confused when we blur the lines. We corrupt the faith when we intermingle them.
Maybe the greatest ministry our churches could is showing how the State fails to be a healer in times of trouble. But our churches refuse to step up to the plate.
But then again I'm just a low dog, dust eating, baby killing liberal...according to some...:tonofbricks: