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Can you found any verse saying that to be sinless is a divine atribute?
Give me a list of the devine atributes listed in the bible.
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Can you found any verse saying that to be sinless is a divine atribute?
But the word arpagmon, which we translate robbery, has been supposed to imply a thing eagerly to be seized, coveted, or desired; and on this interpretation the passage has been translated: Who, being in the form of God, did not think it a matter to be earnestly desired to appear equal to God; but made himself of no reputation, &c. However the word be translated, it does not affect the eternal Deity of our Lord. Though he was from eternity in the form of God-possessed of the same glory, yet he thought it right to veil this glory, and not to appear with it among the children of men; and therefore he was made in the likeness of men, and took upon him the form or appearance of a servant: and, had he retained the appearance of this ineffable glory, it would, in many respects, have prevented him from accomplishing the work which God gave him to do; and his humiliation, as necessary to the salvation of men, could not have been complete.
CAn you quote any stating, as you have, that he has none?
God is God. Jesus Christ is God. If Jesus Christ does not have all the divine attributes of God, then Jesus Christ is not God, and you have denied that Jesus Christ is God. He never emptied himself of anything.
Philipians is stating that God the Son did empty himself of the divine atributes. In greek, empty is totaly empty, is not a litle less but totaly less until reach zero.
The Gospels lack on picturing any divine atribute. The Gospels dont say that Jesus had not even one, but make silence in showing any divine atribute in Jesus.
The Gospels clearly picture of many divine atributes that Jesus didnt have. For example Jesus in the Gosples were not omnipresent. Jesus is all the time some where and no where else. Jesus was in a town or building or room, and not in any other place. If the disciples or the enemies are looking for him, he is anyway in a specific place. Jesus was not omnipresent and the list of verses saying that is way too long.
Perhaps you can provide of a list of divine atributes and I will replay with where in the Gosples it is cklear that Jesus didnt have that specific divine atribute. Otherwise I will be writing an endless list of verses.
That is your opinion. I believe you are wrong. Everybody does not agree. I am not everybody.![]()
Give me a list of the devine atributes listed in the bible.
Nothing concerning our thread. Can you copypaste the most important things?
Here's a Baptist Confession for you:
You base your acusation in the fact that your doctrine is different of mine. Can you quote a verse, or a creed, or a statement of faith supporting your position and declaring mine as false doctrine?
Guys, I don't think it necessary to incite with anger, or attack with vengeance this person, when clearly he does affirm that Jesus is God. He just appears to have overstated his case in regard to what form God has made himself manifest in Christ. At least that is my hope and thus my desire to address so as to correct the erring brother rather than cast him aside.
Goinheix, please consider the words of respected scholar Adam Clarke on this subject:
Do you understand what he is saying? He is agreeing that Jesus did not manifest his divine glory, for his purpose of being crucified would not have been accomplished had he done so. He veiled his divine attributes (most of the time), but this veiling shouldn't be understood as "not possessing." Please tell me you agree.raying:
nothing about the divine atributes of Jesus
can you copypaste where it refers to the divine atributes of Jesus?
Goinheix no offense but you English is so poor in construction I cannot tell exactly what you are suggesting. Sometimes it sounds like you are on track and other times it sounds like you are a heretic. None the less it is true that Jesus Christ while here on earth laid aside either in part or the whole His God characteristics to become a man yet he remained no less God.
Do your own research. You're the one with the questions.
I have not questions, i am not learning, i have statement, i am teaching.
Paul say that he emptied (totally) his divine atributes.
Goinheix no offense but your English is so poor in construction I cannot tell exactly what you are suggesting. Sometimes it sounds like you are on track and other times it sounds like you are a heretic. None the less it is true that Jesus Christ while here on earth laid aside either in part or the whole His God characteristics to become a man yet he remained no less God.