What do you feel the subject is considering the OP?
For that, let's go back to the OP. It's titled "Captial Punishment -- Proof it should be eliminated". Then the body is about a man who was on death row but found innocent.
So, the subject of the OP is the innocence of people on death row, and the impact it should have on whether or not we keep the death penalty.
Now, let's look at your posts.
So the death of a few innocent folk is just hunky wonderful with you, right? Collateral damage, right?
Wonder how you would feel if you had been framed and was sitting on death row even though you are innocent.
Can you show me where it is Biblical to execute innocent people?
First absurd claim. Also, off topic.
So you do not care that innocent people are on death row and that some will die even thought innocent.
Second absurd claim and also off topic.
Your other posts contained some on topic material, so I didn't mention them. Then we come to your last post directed towards me:
What percentage of innocent people being executed is acceptable to you? After all the OP is about an innocent person on death row being freed witn DNA evidence.
So, again, what percentage of innocent people being executed is acceptable to you?
Stay on the subject, Sapper, which is innocent people on death row.
So in this single post, you stray from your own admitted topic. You say the topic is "an innocent person on death row being freed witn[sic] DNA evidence", yet ask me "What percentage of innocent people being executed is acceptable to you?". So, you state the topic, and then ask me stray from it, and then tell me to stay on topic? Wow.
I have already clearly, and with no doubt left, stated where I stand. Surely you have enough intellect to take part in a discussion, even debate? Surely you can see that it's not about a hard line. Surely you can see that I believe that the current rate is acceptable, especially as it's getting better. On the other hand, surely you wouldn't denigrate yourself by accusing people of not being concerned about innocents instead of addressing what they said.
(Off topic - I know there are people out there who want to post "Don't call me Shirley". beat you to it!)