Hi DHK,I can give you my own testimony.
I grew up in the RCC. In 20 years I never heard the gospel preached one time. The RCC doesn't preach the gospel. The preach a message of works, and that message will lead people directly to hell.
Look at their Catechism. Look up "new birth."
It defines new birth as baptism. That is baptismal regeneration. They believe that baptism saves particularly being baptized into the Catholic Church. That is heresy, and that is leading people to hell.
The new birth is not baptism and has nothing to do with baptism.
It is regeneration, a work done by the Holy Spirit of God as He works through the Word of God to bring a person into a right relationship with Christ.
Salvation has nothing to do with a church, a denomination, a sacrament of any kind, etc. Salvation is a relationship with Christ; it is not a religion. Those who define salvation by their religion or their church or denomination are out in left field. Salvation is through Christ and Christ alone. It is by grace through faith that one is saved, and that not of yourself. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
There are not works involved in salvation. It is God's gift to man. It needs to be accepted by faith. It is not a religion, a denomination, etc. Salvation is in a relationship, not a religion.
Thanks for you response.
You offered no proof of any kind for your accusation that any denomination including the Catholic Church "deliberately" leads people to hell.