I seem to recall a Catholic on this forum not too long ago by the name "Lakeside". I believe he was later banned, but how could he have joined if he was Catholic, do Catholics have to lie about their faith on their profile in order to gain access? Brother DHK is a moderator and engaged in debates with Lakeside often regarding him trying to propagate and defend the Catholic positions. The board seemed to show Lakeside some tolerance.
As far as your offer of me attending a Catholic church, I would never do such. I was baptized into the Catholic church when I was a baby. Many years later after I had left the church I found a baby baptismal certificate issued by the church stating something to the effect of "by this act you have become a child of God". That is works salvation via the form of baptismal regeneration and even worst for an infant, if anyone truly believes such a doctrine they are trusting in works and are under the "curse of the law" and unregenerate.
Yeah, I remember Lakeside posting here. Not sure how he/she got back on the board. Lakeside had been banned once before if I remember correctly. Not even sure what Lakeside's purpose was here. I am actually here to continue to learn and discuss the Christian faith.
I know you believe baptismal regeneration to be "a work". We believe it is a "work of God". I compare it to the story of the woman who was bleeding. Her faith was "If I can only touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed." So, she elbowed her way through the crowd, succeeded in touching the hem of Jesus' garment, power flowed from Him, and she was healed. Jesus said, "Someone touched me!" She 'fessed up, and Jesus said to her, "Your faith has saved you."
Notice that the woman had faith, but that it wasn't the mere possession of faith healed her. In the same way, our faith itself does not save us. It wasn't until she acted upon her faith did she get healed. To be saved, we have to act upon our faith.
However, Jesus did say, "Your faith has saved you," even though it was the power of Jesus that did it. Now, why could He say that her
faith had saved her? Simply as a manner of speaking. Her faith was strong enough to enable her to do the '
work' of accessing Jesus in the throng, no small feat. On top of that, she was bleeding and hence 'unclean' and not supposed to be touching anyone at all! That's why Jesus could say her faith saved her because without it she wouldn't have done what was needed. Hence, her faith was the first link in the chain that saved her.
So, we get baptized not simply to be obeying Jesus, but because baptism is the way Jesus has set it up that our sins be washed away, and we be put in union with Christ. That's why Jesus commands it. Of course if we do not have faith in Christ, we won't be baptized, and hence won't get saved. See Mk 16:16.
Wish I could spend more time here, but I will be away for some time and hopefully can check back in when I return. Blessings!