Not required? How many times is the "laying on of hands" mentioned in the scriptures when it came to picking out another apostle or sending someone out to do the Lords work. That is not an ordination?
I never said it was???
When God calls and qualifies a man for the ministry, it will be apparent both to that man and to the rest of the church. The would-be minister will meet the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-16 and Titus 1:5-9, and he will possess a consuming desire to preach (1 Corinthians 9:16). It is the duty of the church elders, together with the congregation, to recognize and accept the calling. After that, a formal commissioning ceremony—an ordination service—is appropriate, though by no means mandatory. The ordination ceremony itself does not confer any special power; it simply gives public recognition to God’s choice of leadership. (bold - my emphasis) form this link
Another words - an ordination is simply a ceremony to announce- the calling of a man to full time service.
Normally, in Baptist circles - a church will invite minsters from sister churches to examine the candidate. This council of men will (only) recommend to that local church of their decision. That is the council could recommend to ordain, and the church could vote not to (extremly unlikely) or the council could recommend Not to ordain - yet the church could still vote to ordain the man. (not very likely) - but the norm is that the council would approve and the church does vote to approve.
The important thing to keep in mind is that in Baptist circles it is the local church that ordains - NOT a denomination.
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