And yet, you DON’T find it “odd” that 8-day-old babies had to have their foreskin cut off as part of the Covenant with God??I find it odd that you would eat human flesh and drink human blood and then proclaim that the action caused God to impart his grace upon you.
You DON’T find it “odd” that a virgin became pregnant with God??
You DON’T find it “odd” that an all-powerful God would come down to die an agonizing criminal’s death on a cross because His people screwed up?
You DON’T find it “odd” that the very people He came to save were the ones who killed Him??
You DON’T find it “odd” that men in the 16th century decided to change God’s rules because they were fed up with the leaders of His Church??
You DON’T find it “odd” that this movement which sought to “correct” the mistakes of the Church resulted in the perpetual splintering of the Body of Christ – to the tune of tens of thousands of competing sects – ALL teaching different doctrines??
God doesn't need to explain to YOU in great detail why He chose to have us feed on His flesh and blood – as the Jews fed on THEIR paschal lamb. He left you PLENTY of evidence in the OT AND the NT and gave you the grace to believe.
Whether you DO or not is up to YOU . . .