In the KJV, 1 Cor 12:31 is also a rare instance where we are encouraged to "covet" something, although most other translations say "earnestly desire". .
That can be translated either as "you are earnestly desiring" or "earnestly desire". There is no question they already were earnestly desiring spiritual gifts but Paul had just told them that it is not a matter of their desire but a matter of sovereign bestowal by the Spirit (vv. 7-11). That such gifts were not all equally available for every child of God (vv. 29-30) so why in the world would he command them to do exactly what he told them was pure vainity? No, he told them to earnestly desire something better than spiritual gifts - love? Why? Because love INCLUDED THESE LIMITATIONS and provide the proper motivation and guidelines for their use for those who were so gifted. Remember, he restricted the use of tongues in the assembly to no more than three at most and then NONE if no interpreter. The problem is that the Corinthians made tongues the supreme gift just as do modern day Pentecostals but Paul placed it LAST in his order (12:28).