That is very interesting. Obviously, the fake tongues and interpretations did not come from the Holy Spirit. However, I'm not really convinced that all modern uses of tongues are hoaxes. Either myself or people I know and trust have witnessed what appeared to be the genuine use of tongues with interpretations many times. In most of these, this was a message to either an individual, a family, or that local church. I will concede that it is possible some of those could have been faked as well, but there's no way to prove it either way.
You bring up interesting points regarding modern apostles and prophets. I am not totally convinced either way regarding those offices. However, I don't believe any who claim to be apostles or prophets would attempt to add to the Bible, because that would violate the warnings of Rev 22:18-19. Note that I am only speaking from my own limited experience, and my wife has assured me that I've been know to make mistakes.