Response part 2
What Joel was discribing was the pouring out of the Holy Spirit!
Agreed. But don't forget that the pouring out of the Spirit was evidenced by the things mentioned which were accomplished through the work of the Spirit of God. Even as God worked in the lives of men before, Judas again being a good example, who was counted among those that preached, healed, and cast out demons. Not of their own power, but by the power of God working through them.
THat it was available to All that believe! I am not saying there were not some that just was not tongues!
Again, I would just ask that you give this some consideration. It makes perfect sense that this gift would have been of immense value to those that crossed borders and preached the Gospel.
Tongues and prophecy is different!
Only if we limit the gift of languages to praise. Prophecy and prophesying carry the connotation of a "speaking forth of the word of God." Before the New Testament was compiled, as new revelation was given by God, we see prophesying that was at all times (concerning the true Prophets, that is) divinely generated. Now we still have men speaking forth the word of God that which has already been revealed, but we can assume that at least some of these men are divinely inspired in their speaking.
As Paul makes the point that if he speaks in tongues yet does not involve the word of God concerning the aspects mentioned earlier, then nothing is accomplished. There is always a reason for God empowering someone with a gift, it is never...without reason.
Then he goes on to say:
1 Corinthians 14
King James Version (KJV)
7 And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?
8 For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?
Just as in chapter 13, we have a "If it does not involve..." statement, here, the focus upon that which is spoken. "Every sound must be for a reason, and the sound must be distinct so that it is recognized."
He goes to the lenght of saying, "...even inanimate objects that are used to produce distinguished sounds must make those distinct sounds so they are recognized." This is reminiscent of what he has just said in ch.13:
1 Corinthians 13
King James Version (KJV)
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
"Though I speak clearly and eloquently, if it is bereft of is no better than noise." Likewise, the flip-side is equally important to the equation, "It is a necessity that if I speak, I speak in words that can be understood, for what good is it to speak if it cannot be understood?"
And he says exactly that in the next verse:
9 So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.
Not...speaking to God, but, speaking to...nothing. It is of no use. It accomplishes nothing. Speech is for the purpose of communication, no matter who is speaking, or who is listening.
10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.
We can include in the "none of them," the gift of languages. And especially the gift of languages. For this is a sovereignly given gift from God Himself, and we would not expect the Lord to give a gift that does not accomplish that which is was given for. This would be akin to giving the gift of healing and the blind man's vision remaining blurry. Or a lame man left to walk on crutches. This would not be healing, right? It would just be an improvement.
Thank you for your kind way of approaching this debate! Very refreshing!
I will get back to the above when I get back from church.
Look, one of my favorite things to do is discuss God's word, and I have learned that if I do not show others that also love to speak about God's word the same respect I would show a stranger on the street that I was trying to convince that God can change lives...then I am become as a tinkling cymbal, lol.
This does not mean we have to waver in that which we are convicted of concerning our views, but, as we learn it is not a matter of "I'm right your wrong," but, "God is right and I pray He teaches me properly," then we can better be open to His leading and guidance, I believe. Sometimes it will not fail but that when we stand firm upon an issue those of opposing views may take it as aggressive, thier feelings might be hurt, or we may come across as arrogant...that is just going to happen. But, it has been a goal of mine to learn how to communicate to others in a way which leads to a profitable encounter for both of us. Because we disagree on a topic does not mean I have to hate you (and then try to show the love of Christ for another stranger, lol), nor does it mean that I should question the salvation of everyone that disagrees with me, lol, nor that I think that doctrinal perfection is a pre-requisite for another to be my brother or sister in Christ.
We all have a lot to learn, no? lol
Someone on here said the other day, "The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know," and this is true. Most of us have barely scratched the surface of what there is to know, and how we are to apply even that we do know in an attempt to live pleasing before God.
Shall we say "Lord I am glad I am not as that man?" Or, "I am the chief of sinners, Lord forgive me my sin?"
The latter has more application in my life than the former, and one thing we should remember is that every word will we give an account of, and that for us, if we expect the Lord to show mercy to us, then we must be found faithful to show mercy to others.
Okay, have to go, but I will leave you with a favorite verse of mine:
Malachi 3:16
King James Version (KJV)
16 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.
If I don't get back today, I will try to get back sometime this week, but I have a pretty horrible week ahead (lol), so we will see.
God bless.