The Charismatic movement has so many errors of doctrine and practice that if I were one I'd call myself something different. Now, not all Charismatics believe all of these, I admit. I also admit that there are true believers in the Charismatic movement who are simply deceived. But I think it is important for you BB folk to understand just how wrong and insidious the movement is.
First of all, some background. We should differentiate between the traditional Pentecostal churches and the Charismatic movement. There is some overlap in doctrine (tongues, "full Gospel" teaching and the like), but the Pentecostals early on rejected the precursor to Charismatic doctrine, the Latter Rain Movement, which was specifically rejected by the General Council of the Assemblies of God in 1949. One Pentecostal has even written a book opposing the Charismatic movement which I have, Charismatism, Awakening or Apostasy, by O. Talmadge Spence. But by and large, by 2012 most Pentecostals have bought into the movement.
The movement actually began in the 1960s, based on Pentecostal doctrine which was based partly on radical holiness doctrine of the late 19th century, in particular the second blessing doctrine.
Without further ado, here are just a few of the errors of the movement:
(1) Making a minor doctrine (the gifts of the Spirit) into a foundational doctrine. This doctrine is the foundation of the whole movement, which is why it is called the "charismatic" movement, after the Greek word xaris (charis), meaning "gift." Because this minor doctrine is made major, many charismatic preachers de-emphasize major doctrines. Often at big Charismatic meetings the atonement of Jesus Christ is not even mentioned, yet they claim to be doing evangelism.
(2) Tongues as the sign of the baptism/fullness of the Holy Spirit. This has been done to death in recent threads on the BB, so I'll not detail it here.
(3) Healers. There is no office of "healer" in the Bible. Jesus did not call Himself a healer, though he did heal people when they came to Him. He did not have "healing meetings." There have been so many fakes in Charismatic healing "ministries," it would take too much space here to just mention them.
(4) The manifest sons of God doctrine. This pernicious doctrine was characteristic of the post war Latter Rain movement. It teaches that in the last days there will be special people chosen by God and annointed to go around doing miracles. They will usher in the millenium. Normally I don't recommend Wikipedia, but their article is fairly good:–World_War_II_movement)
(5) Ecumenicalism. The movement has been radically ecumenical from the start. They'll take absolutely anyone: Catholics, liberals, doesn't matter, Anyone can be embraced by the Charismatics as long as they say they are Christian.
(6) Being "slain in the Spirit." This practice doesn't exist in the Bible.
There are many, many more errors, but I just wanted to get the thread started. Feel free to add to the list.
First of all, some background. We should differentiate between the traditional Pentecostal churches and the Charismatic movement. There is some overlap in doctrine (tongues, "full Gospel" teaching and the like), but the Pentecostals early on rejected the precursor to Charismatic doctrine, the Latter Rain Movement, which was specifically rejected by the General Council of the Assemblies of God in 1949. One Pentecostal has even written a book opposing the Charismatic movement which I have, Charismatism, Awakening or Apostasy, by O. Talmadge Spence. But by and large, by 2012 most Pentecostals have bought into the movement.
The movement actually began in the 1960s, based on Pentecostal doctrine which was based partly on radical holiness doctrine of the late 19th century, in particular the second blessing doctrine.
Without further ado, here are just a few of the errors of the movement:
(1) Making a minor doctrine (the gifts of the Spirit) into a foundational doctrine. This doctrine is the foundation of the whole movement, which is why it is called the "charismatic" movement, after the Greek word xaris (charis), meaning "gift." Because this minor doctrine is made major, many charismatic preachers de-emphasize major doctrines. Often at big Charismatic meetings the atonement of Jesus Christ is not even mentioned, yet they claim to be doing evangelism.
(2) Tongues as the sign of the baptism/fullness of the Holy Spirit. This has been done to death in recent threads on the BB, so I'll not detail it here.
(3) Healers. There is no office of "healer" in the Bible. Jesus did not call Himself a healer, though he did heal people when they came to Him. He did not have "healing meetings." There have been so many fakes in Charismatic healing "ministries," it would take too much space here to just mention them.
(4) The manifest sons of God doctrine. This pernicious doctrine was characteristic of the post war Latter Rain movement. It teaches that in the last days there will be special people chosen by God and annointed to go around doing miracles. They will usher in the millenium. Normally I don't recommend Wikipedia, but their article is fairly good:–World_War_II_movement)
(5) Ecumenicalism. The movement has been radically ecumenical from the start. They'll take absolutely anyone: Catholics, liberals, doesn't matter, Anyone can be embraced by the Charismatics as long as they say they are Christian.
(6) Being "slain in the Spirit." This practice doesn't exist in the Bible.
There are many, many more errors, but I just wanted to get the thread started. Feel free to add to the list.