Many brilliant theolgians, including the Baptist, A.H. Strong, was a theistic evolutionist. So, it is not easy to just write them off as so many here have done.
We do not deny God, Christ or even the plenary verbal inspiration of scripture.
If it must be known, Darwin was in conflict with the church from his very beginning, so none of us are making excuses that Darwin embraced faith.
The Bible is not a history text, it is the story of redemption and deals particularly with Israel, the tribes and later the establishment of the church. It does not include all of history and there are missing links, for which we depend on profane history to fill in the blanks.
Evolution has taken many forms over the years and one cannot give a blanket statement about it.
Theistic evolutionists do not deny creation at the hand of God, but neither do they deny that there is mnore to scientific history than is capsulated in the Bible as we know it.
One example is the term adam, which was generic for humankind for the first few chapters of Genesis and took on the name Adam in the 5th chapter.
How many fundamentalist believers developed the so-called gap theory between Genesis 1:1 and verse 2 in an attempt to explain the various creations not listed in scripture? They too had doubts about literal creation in an instant and hence recorded in biblical history, and this included the famous fundamentalist, C.I. Scofield!
My point is simply to ask that you not write off all those who embrace a form of evolution to explain scientific history so simply. Some of us are dedicated believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and have spent a lifetime preaching His truth of salvation and holy living.
Cheers, and God bless,
We do not deny God, Christ or even the plenary verbal inspiration of scripture.
If it must be known, Darwin was in conflict with the church from his very beginning, so none of us are making excuses that Darwin embraced faith.
The Bible is not a history text, it is the story of redemption and deals particularly with Israel, the tribes and later the establishment of the church. It does not include all of history and there are missing links, for which we depend on profane history to fill in the blanks.
Evolution has taken many forms over the years and one cannot give a blanket statement about it.
Theistic evolutionists do not deny creation at the hand of God, but neither do they deny that there is mnore to scientific history than is capsulated in the Bible as we know it.
One example is the term adam, which was generic for humankind for the first few chapters of Genesis and took on the name Adam in the 5th chapter.
How many fundamentalist believers developed the so-called gap theory between Genesis 1:1 and verse 2 in an attempt to explain the various creations not listed in scripture? They too had doubts about literal creation in an instant and hence recorded in biblical history, and this included the famous fundamentalist, C.I. Scofield!
My point is simply to ask that you not write off all those who embrace a form of evolution to explain scientific history so simply. Some of us are dedicated believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and have spent a lifetime preaching His truth of salvation and holy living.
Cheers, and God bless,