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Charles Stanley & Mysticism

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Alive in Christ

New Member
This is just sad.

Charles Stanley? ((REALLY))??

I do not in any way think that Charles Stanley is a heritic, or peddling mysticism.

Goodness. :tear:

Alive in Christ

New Member

I just read the artical that decribed Stanleys "so called " mystical" encounter.

I still have absolutly no problem with Brother Stanley. God bless him.

Alive in Christ

New Member
This was posted...

In a email he said Charles Stanley preaches Mysticism as Stanley says God speaks to him outside of scripture. I am not sure where he got that as I have several Stanley books and hear him on Podcast

Whats the problem? God has spoken to me probably hundreds of times outside scripture. Not with audible words of course. But very tangable.

I wouldnt be surprised if most of us here on the board can say the same thing


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This was posted...

Whats the problem? God has spoken to me probably hundreds of times outside scripture. Not with audible words of course. But very tangable.

I wouldnt be surprised if most of us here on the board can say the same thing

Sadly, given the doctrinal train wreck we see among the Finneyists here, it wouldn't surprise me, either, that they would say they receive extra-Biblical revelation.


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Why would any one say that God speaks to him other than through scripture? What motive do people like this have other than promoting themselves. Any time anyone makes such a claim, they are trying to take peoples eyes off of Christ and put the focus on themselves. Where will all of this lead ? Answer: down the same path as Richard Roberts And Oral Roberts when they see a sixty foot Jesus at the end of their bed or Richard being on a talk show and all of a sudden interrupts whoever is talking by saying God has just spoken a word to me.

If you read Stanley's book on the Holy Spirit he CLEARLY stated that experiences and visions must be tested with scripture.


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Let's see how many non cals in this thread think that Stanley is a mystic?

I understand what Dr stanley is saying regarding the the Holy Spirit at times speaking to us thru things likedreams/visions/situations, my much bigger concerns is with his take on ME and how he sees even Apostates making heaven!

Baptist Believer

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I take scripture alone so there is no need for visions and experiences.
If you have no "experiences" with God, you need to consider whether or not you are one of His sheep (John 10:3-4, 14-15, 27-29).

We are called into a relationship with God which is NOT mediated through a book (even the Bible), but directly with/through Christ. The scriptures supplement that relationship and are invaluable, but we could still have a relationship with God without having any scripture. The most obvious example of this is Abraham - the one Paul used as an example in both Galatians and Romans to demonstrate that one can be right with God even without the Law and circumcision.


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So one revelation leads to another. Are you saying now that you became pregnant without the help of a man ?

Well, to put it delicately - God brought two and two together when they weren't supposed to be there at the same time. :) Somehow either his guys lived a long life or my egg did. LOL


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It's one thing to say that you believe God illuminated a given verse or passage, but anybody who thinks they receive extra-Biblical revelation is not only deceived, but is just begging for trouble on a whole number of levels.

Anytime you say "God told me...", that's serious.

Sadly, given the doctrinal train wreck we see among the Finneyists here, it wouldn't surprise me, either, that they would say they receive extra-Biblical revelation.

Ladies and gentlemen, a Calvinist that is limiting the sovereignty of God!

Steadfast Fred

Active Member
Calvinist, Finneyist, Arminian,...

Why do such words have to be used among Baptists? We get upset when one used the "n" word because it is derogatory, yet at the same time we use words such as the three above in a derogatory manner, meaning them to indicate slander and shame.

Why do Baptists fight amongst themselves in such a manner? Do we honestly think God is pleased with our hateful remarks toward others?


Active Member
Calvinist, Finneyist, Arminian,...

Why do such words have to be used among Baptists? We get upset when one used the "n" word because it is derogatory, yet at the same time we use words such as the three above in a derogatory manner, meaning them to indicate slander and shame.

Why do Baptists fight amongst themselves in such a manner? Do we honestly think God is pleased with our hateful remarks toward others?

Almost as bad as the fighting between Shia and Sunni muslims, only without the homocide bombers.

John of Japan

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I'll tell you one story of hearing God's voice.

I had just experienced my second miscarriage after years of trying to have another child. We had gone to fertility doctors, I had some surgeries, many shots and now I had lost another much wanted child. So I cried out to God. I was ready to accept that I'd not have any more kids but I really wanted more and if we WERE going to have more, I'd look forward to them. I just prayed, "God, are we going to have more babies??" I absolutely heard him (not by my ears but by my heart) telling me that yes, I would have more babies but they would come to HIS glory and not the doctors. I spoke to my husband the next day and he said he had heard similarly in his prayer time. So we called the fertility doctor and said that we won't be coming in any more. I went to my OB for my checkup after the D&C and we told him what we were going to do. I wanted to get back on the diabetic medication that helped with the issues that I had from polycystic ovarian syndrome but that we would not take any more fertility drugs. He was all for it.

Then we went for prayer at church. We've had many couples prayed over for infertility and most of them have gone on to have children (one didn't but adopted). Interestingly enough, all of the first babies these couples had were boys.

I became pregnant with my son 5 months later.

When he was 18 months old, I thought I had an illness. Nope, it was his little sister.

God clearly told us we'd have another child but to HIS glory. He absolutely got the glory on this one because I knew every mechanical thing of getting pregnant down to the exact day I ovulate. My husband was away when I ovulated and was away long enough around it that I should not have been pregnant. :) But God is great - and He worked it out. LOL Not only that, He gave us our bonus baby!!!! Our miracles are now 10 and 12 years old. These were two pregnancies that I had with no fertility drugs. It was only with fertility drugs that I would ovulate. God is good. :) And there is no question He spoke to us.
Praise the Lord, sister, this is a wonderful testimony of God's leading. And it is not mysticism. It is simply the personal leading of the Holy Spirit, which occurs all throughout Scripture and in the lives of all of the famous saints of the past.

Nothing of what has been written about Stanley smacks of mysticism. For modern Christian mysticism, the people on this thread should investigate the works of Tozer (who was a Calvinist, if I'm not mistaken). The fundamental misunderstanding on this thread has nothing to do with the Cal/Arm debate.

If God does not personally lead us, then there is no such thing as a call to preach or be a missionary. And that is certainly not true.

John of Japan

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The fundamental doctrinal misunderstanding on this thread is the failure to recognize what revelation is. James Orr speaks of it this way in his landmark book, Revelation and Inspiration: "It is customary to speak of the decay of faith in divine revelation, and in the sense intended, such a weakening of faith musts be acknowledged. In a wider respect, there is probably no proposition on which the higher religious philosophy of the past hundred years is more agreed than this--that all religion originates in revelation. Man can know God only as, in some way, God reveals, or makes Himself known, to man" (p. 2, emphasis in the original). So God's personal leading into His will is not mysticism, it is simply His Spirit guiding us.

When God called me to preach at age 18 by an unmistakable impression in my heart, and to be a missionary when I was 20, it was not revelation from God, and therefore not analogous to mysticism. It was based on my personal walk with God. Revelation is when God reveals things about Himself to us, and His plan for the ages, as in the Bible (special revelation) or through nature (general revelation).

The main book in recent years to weigh against God's personal leading of us is Decision Making and the Will of God, by Gary Friesen. I have books by Andrew Murray, F. B. Meyer, G. Campbell Morgan and others that defend the view I've just discussed and Charles Stanley teaches. It is not mysticism. It is simply the traditional view of God's leading, as admitted even by Friesen (who nonetheless sets up a straw man of it).

John of Japan

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I wonder if you young folk know of George Mueller, the mighty prayer warrior? I've posted his advice here on the BB before, but it's been awhile, so here it is again. It is from his book, Answers to Prayer, p. 6, and it presupposes that God will lead us individually through His Holy Spirit's guidance.

How To Ascertain the Will of God
George Mueller

(1) I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter. Nine-tenths of the trouble with people generally is just here. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will, whatever it may be. When one is truly in this state, it is usually but a little way to the knowledge of what His will is.
(2) Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If so, I make myself liable to great delusions.
(3) I seek the Will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word, I lay myself open to great delusions also. If the Holy Ghost guides us at all, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them.
(4) Next I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s Will in connection with His Word and Spirit.
(5) I ask God in prayer to reveal His Will to me aright.
(6) Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge, and if my mind is thus at peace, and continues so after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly. In trivial matters, and in transactions involving most important issues, I have found this method always effective.
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