Faith is a gift, Barry.
See Ephesians 2:8-10.
The Bible never says
believers are
saved by faith, it says we are saved
through it.
What's more, not all men have faith ( 1 Thessalonians 3:2 ), so where does faith come from?.
It is the faith of God's elect ( Titus 1:1 ).
Back to gifts...
It is given in the behalf of Christ for a person to both believe on Him, and to suffer for His sake ( Again, Philippians 1:29 ).
Things that are given by God, are gifts.
Eternal life is a gift ( Romans 6:23).
It is not a reward gained by "exercising faith".
Faith is not the key...
God's mercy and grace are ( Titus 3:5-6 ).
Anyone whom God has decided to have mercy towards, is granted the rest.
Everything good that a person has, especially a believer, comes from God ( John 3:27, James 1:17 ).
That goodness leads us as men to repentance ( Romans 2:4 ).
Though we will not repent ( John 3:19-20 ) in and of ourselves, and we will not seek Him ( Romans 3:10-18 ).
I wish you well sir, and this is my last reply to you in this thread.
May God bless you in your studies of His word, and may you always look to Him in your times of trial and need.