While we believe that there is an individual redemption, we also believe what Van said concerning a corporate election. Here are a few verses/principles that we, the church at Monarch, believe support it.
!. An individual CANNOT be a nation, people, priesthood, or kingdom (I Pet. 2:9) "Ye are" is to the saints in Christ in His body.
2.. An individual CANNOT be a church. An individual can only be a member of the body, but not the body.
3. A member cut off from the body will die. The body will continue to live.
4. The ordinances were given to the CHURCH and there are no scriptures to support someone baptizing himself or taking the Lord's supper by themselves. They are to be observed "corporately" by the whole covenant body, the members of the church.
5. The covenant (marriage agreement) is with Christ and his wife, the church. Eph 5:25
6. The Holy Spirit is given to the church. Christ addressing his disciples in John 15:5 tells them that ,they as members, by abiding IN Him, will bring forth much fruit. This fruit is the fruit of righteousness directed by the Holy Spirit. In Mt 21:43, Christ in addressing carnal Israel as a covenant nation says, "The kingdom shall be taken from you (they had become as the nations and were as a desolate place) and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits (of the Spirit) thereof," To what nation (not an individual) was the kingdom given? it was given to kingdom/nation/people of God as a literal, local, visible covenant Baptist house at the time of Christ and to His seed after Him. Christ was/is its prophet. priest, king. He is also the head of the church and savior of the BODY, Eph 5:23)
7. He hath set the members EVERYONE of them (without exception),in the body (the church, a gathering together for a common purpose) as it has pleased Him. Predestined to be (where) in the body, Not only, in individuality as members, but above all, corporately.
8. The promise/oath of Christ is to gather His PEOPLE together is evidenced in Mt 16:18. Ps 50:5, Ps 147
9. Moses, by the spirit of Christ in him, delivered Israel as a NATION, and not one individual at a time. Christ delivers His PEOPLE, in the context of the church, the same way. Individuals are added to a body of Christ that already exists therefore "corporate" deliverance.
10. The promise of the eternal life in the knowledge of "the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent" (Jn 17:3) is given to the church as evidenced by Eph 3:10,..."it might be known BY THE CHURCH (revealed unto) the manifold wisdom (the will, charge) of God." We must also conclude therefore that Christ reveals Himself to His wife, the church, by the Holy Spirit, that she might know how to raise up her children in the way they should go so when they grow old they will not depart from it. Prov 22:6
11. If salvation is only in individuality, what is the purpose/need of the church?
12 How can the body be of one mind and one accord if they are not gathered together?
13. Christ is given to His people, the church and he is a kinsman redeemer. Isaiah 9:6 says, "For unto US a child is born, unto US a child is given." The pronouns us, them, and we, often refers to the church as a whole and is not used in individuality apart from the church/kingdom of God
14 The promises to Abraham include that he would become a great nation. (Gen 12:2-3) These verses are also a prophesy concerning Christ and the church. This is part of the faith of Abraham and his seedline, the sons of God, IN Christ.
15. WE (both individually and corporately) know that WE have pass from death unto life because WE love the brethren. I Jn 3:14
16. Unto Him be glory IN THE CHURCH, by Jesus Christ throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. (Eph 5:25)
These verses are just some of the evidence of "corporate" salvation of the people of God by/in the kingdom of God, the church.