Well-Known Member
Just a comment on all those "the Republican's are just as bad as the Democrates" and the two wrongs make a right assertions, every vote not for Romney/Ryan is a vote for Obama.
And again, it's this line of thinking that really has the Church looking bad because it's as though we care more about winning an election and giving Obama the boot than we do about God's Right. Why should we, whose primary purpose is to do God's will and glorify Him, really care which one of the darkness vs darkness candidates wins? I just don't get it. Neither one of them is going to save this country or this world. So why doesn't the Body of Christ concern itself with honoring its Head as the Redeemer and Savior of mankind instead of looking to voting for one unGodly man being a vote for the other unGodly man?
Lets assume Romney is not a born again believer in Christ. Only God knows. However to be fair, we should then also assume Obama is not the "committed Christian" he says he is.
You're kidding right? It is by GOD that his ungodliness is righteously judged. Of course he's not a born again believer in Christ. Now I know we are not this desperate to get this man elected that we are not willing to venture that an avowed Mormon is possibly a born again believer in Christ. God help us.
This is why the Church needs to be on her face confessing and repenting before a HOLY God.
So now lets turn to the policies.
Is taking from one person to give to another, i.e. to spread the wealth around, biblical or unbiblical. Does thou shall not steal ring a bell.
That's not stealing. This one falls into the Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. While I'm not a fan of extreme taxation in order to basically buy voting blocs for political parties, the government can tax us as much as they like. And we have the right to get rid of them.
It's mammon. And the Body of Christ has to decide is it more important to protect mammon and my stuff than it is to not vote for someone who worships a false god.
I certainly hope this is not the impetus for the evangelical support of Romney.
Should our yes be yes and our no be no, or should be equivocate and avoid taking a position, just like Stalin did during his rise to power.
Is it ok to charge Romney with homicide, and then disavow responsibility for the ad?
This can SURELY be asked of both candidates.
How can we choose the one who best represents us, if they say the opposite of what they do? For example bail our GM and say we should not reward failure.
They're both anti-Christs. Neither one best represents us. We should be representing Christ.
We are corrupt and our institutions are corrupt, so it follows from the biblical model that limited government that does not hinder freedom of religion is best. Right now the left has defined atheism as not religion, so the only view that can be taught is one that does not endorse God's rule.
When Christians are supporting a man who worships a false god, how do we have a platform to tell someone else that something doesn't support God's rule?
We are doomed to the outcome described in scripture, where government power is seeded to demonic forces.
When both sides are anti-Christ, yes, it will be what it will be. But if you're in Christ, you're not hardly doomed. But KNOWING that the outcome will be what it will, why are Christians supporting the demonic as opposed to supporting Christ?