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annsni said:So working inside God's boundaries (that HE set up) is limiting God? Wow.
Do not ascribe to God what man or Satan have done. God did not orchestrate your divorce. Sin did.
God did not give you a man to commit adultery with (even if you did not sleep with him, you still committed adultery by being with a man who was not your husband)
I will not tell you your divorce is wrong because your husband cheated on you. However, it doesn't make the divorce blessed.
That is great. A strong woman is not a bad thing. Depending on your own wisdom is.
"Traditional" or God ordained? It's like a man saying "I'm not going to be a 'family' man - because I refuse to be lumped into a traditional role. Let my wife support us." Sorry - unbiblical. If we want to "do" for the Lord, we must follow HIS Word and not our own thinking. There are many things that we can be inside of God's will and there are lots of things we can be outside of that. We need to be careful that the world's thinking does not get the upper hand over God's Word.
Sure a girl can. I can train a 1500 lb. horse, drive a horse trailer, remove stitches, climb mountains, sail a 42 foot boat, manage a website, run a group for new moms, do breastfeeding counseling, minister to a family who has lost a loved one (which is what I'm working on today), bike 500 miles in 8 days, work on the Red Cross disaster team and raise 4 children to love the Lord. But all of these things are inside God's will and not going against what He has said in His Word.
I really think you are very confused about what a woman's role in the kingdom is. I certainly am not held back at all, pushed down or demeaned. I think the only way to feel that is when there is rebellion in the heart, IMO.
You know the more and more I think about my divorce and study the more and more that comes to mind that maybe God knew what He was doing when He closed the door on my marriage. My husband has cheated on me and left me bankrupt and then made a life with a tramp that preys on married military men and destroys them and their marriages and careers. Okay thats his sin, but its not mine. I loved my husband, supported him, was faithful to Him and I believe that one day God was like enough is enough and closed the door. God has opened so many doors since that door closed thats it been an unreal experience, only God could accomplish. If God has shown me anything through all of this, its that He is right there with me as I go through all of this, strengthening me, connecting with me, and even in the last few days showing me little glimpses of why all this is happening.
In life we are to accept what we have been dealt with. For alot of people thats very hard to do, I know i have my days I so want to ask God why my life is ending up the way its ending up but I thank God for giving me the strength and the courage and even though I dont smile alot anymore at the moment I am making it through each day I was watching Wife/Swap last night on TV and there was this family that totally lived their lives as close to God's word as they could even to the point of brainwashing their children and not letting them think freely. Then the wife she swapped with had a husband who was the at-home parent while the mother was the breadwinner. The husband was also an ex-pastor and had a doctorate in theology. So 2 very different lines --- but the father who was totally into the word wouldnt allow the woman who worked outside of the home to share anything with his daughters. he had it in his mind that his daughters were to keep house and raise kids and be helpmates to their husbands and back in the 1800's that would have been all well and good but this is the 21st century....there are so many opportunities for women today. I work outside the home yet I come home each night and take care of my family I can wrestle a steer, change the oil in my van and take care of whatever comes up. I dont need a man. That said I would like a man in my life but for a man to tell me what I can and cannot do that isnt going to happen. I think thats why I have a thing with dating soldiers. I love the fact when they are in the field or whatever that I get time to myself, I love that they have taught me independence that I can handle anything thrown at me. I am starting to see that if I was more independent in my marriage I think it would have gone alot better.