superwoman8977 said:
Do I serve 2 masters? No. To me the most important thing in my life is my relationship with my Lord. And my relationship with Him is more important than what a woman can/cannot do etc. Last night I was in Isaiah 66--verses 1 and 2 caught me and really spoke to me and the thought came ---How BIG is my God? Sitting there saying that a woman cannot do this and that really in my opinion limits God's working. Almost like saying Oh God we love you but you cannot do this, this, and this...Is that right, no.
So working inside God's boundaries (that HE set up) is limiting God? Wow.
I love spending time in the word and time in prayer and watching God close some of the doors in my life and open new ones.
Do not ascribe to God what man or Satan have done. God did not orchestrate your divorce. Sin did.
I love the opportunities to serve He has presented me with, I love the people he has put in my life to help me get through the divorce and I love the man he has put in my life to close one chapter in my life and open up a new chapter.
God did not give you a man to commit adultery with (even if you did not sleep with him, you still committed adultery by being with a man who was not your husband)
I have had so many people tell me that my divorce is wrong, well in all honesty I was happy living with my cheating husband I am guessing he wants more in his life whatever that may be.
I will not tell you your divorce is wrong because your husband cheated on you. However, it doesn't make the divorce blessed.
But I am glad I am a woman who can handle whatever is thrown at her as long as I have Christ with me.
That is great. A strong woman is not a bad thing. Depending on your own wisdom is.
I am not a traditional person by any means and I refuse to be lumped into this well "traditional" role.
"Traditional" or God ordained? It's like a man saying "I'm not going to be a 'family' man - because I refuse to be lumped into a traditional role. Let my wife support us." Sorry - unbiblical. If we want to "do" for the Lord, we must follow HIS Word and not our own thinking. There are many things that we can be inside of God's will and there are lots of things we can be outside of that. We need to be careful that the world's thinking does not get the upper hand over God's Word.
Thats proabably why I attend a come as you are Baptist Church and read from the amplified version of the bible. I was told when I was growing up that girls wear dresses and dont climb trees and raise steers and I showed everyone that oh yeah a girl can.
Sure a girl can. I can train a 1500 lb. horse, drive a horse trailer, remove stitches, climb mountains, sail a 42 foot boat, manage a website, run a group for new moms, do breastfeeding counseling, minister to a family who has lost a loved one (which is what I'm working on today), bike 500 miles in 8 days, work on the Red Cross disaster team and raise 4 children to love the Lord. But all of these things are inside God's will and not going against what He has said in His Word.
I really think you are very confused about what a woman's role in the kingdom is. I certainly am not held back at all, pushed down or demeaned. I think the only way to feel that is when there is rebellion in the heart, IMO.