Revmitchell said:
Dilday needed firing. Considering the liberal mindsets of a number of young SBC Pastors we need to evaluate what lib professors may have slipped through again. SBC cooperative funds do not need to be supporting those who diminish scripture like I have seen in this thread.
Have you ever wondered why Patterson wanted to hire Claude Thomas?
The following is from
[FONT="]Patterson's wife, Dorothy, endorsed one of Doug Phillips' books, and Phillips spoke fondly of an hour he and Paige Patterson spent discussing African safaris when both were speakers at a Memorial Day conference in 2003.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Vision Forum believes God's command to "be fruitful and multiply" still applies to married couples. In her lecture Kunsman spoke of "militant fecundity" associated with the movement.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]"It is the duty of Christians to bear large families full of godly seed to populate the earth and bring forth what God intended us to have, particularly in America," she said. "That's how we're going to get our Christian America."[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Russell Moore, theology dean at Southern Seminary, said Southern Baptists need to increase their birth rate if they are going to keep up with growing denominations like Mormons and the Church of God.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Phillips says it's a waste of money to invest in an expensive college education for daughters. [/FONT]
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[FONT="]"It seems very pragmatic," Kunsman said in her lecture. "Why pour a lot of resources when you've got 10 kids and sons to train? You don't want to train your daughter in quantum physics."[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Phillips says in his own words: "We do not need MORE female Christian lawyers, doctors or artists, but MORE godly women raising MORE godly children who will fill the earth and subdue it to the glory of God. And does it really make economic sense to invest tens of thousands of dollars for a woman to get an advanced education (often having to go into debt to finance that education) that she will NOT use if she accepts that her highest calling is to be a wife and mother?"[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Paige Patterson worries that the fact that 60 percent of college and university students are now female means that men will become underrepresented in the intelligentsia and women will ascend into new roles that distract them from the home.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Vision Forum believes that "Christians should not send their children to public schools since education is not a God-ordained function of civil government and since these schools are sub-Christian at best and anti-Christian at worst."[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Mohler has called on responsible Christian parents to develop an "exit strategy" from public schools.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]Phillips also promotes the Family Integrated Church model, which caters to homeschool families and rejects the program approach used in traditional churches that divides families into age groups and segregates them for religious activities.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]The Fundamentalist Baptist Bible Fellowship denounced the Family Integrated Church as "doctrinally errant and schismatic." Southern Seminary, meanwhile, adopted it as a new model for its School of Leadership and Church Ministry.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]"We think this is the direction that our churches really need and want and there is a great vacuum in evangelical theological education for such a program," Mohler said in describing newly hired Dean Randy Stinson's family-integrated ministry emphasis.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]I wonder where they stand on Proverbs 31:14, 16, 17.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]I grew up on a dairy farm where all of us worked. When I read about people who subscribe to such non-agrarian nonsense perpetuated by Christians in the past 50 years or so that never existed before that time it doesn't make me wonder about their efforts and realism. I see them as living a life of fantasy in la la land. I wonder how many hay bales Mrs. Paterson ever lifted. I wonder how many fields she plowed, and how many cows she milked? My grandmother who died at the age of 97 in 2004 helped my grandfather on the farm until they had enough money to retire. She drove trucks, lifted hay bales, drove the tractors and helped milk the cows. Growing up I saw a mom and a grandmother helping their husbands with the farm work that needed to be done. Everyone worked both in the house and in the fields. We did whatever needed to be done. By the time I was 18 I knew how to do farm work, cook, bake, and sew simple things. [/FONT]
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[FONT="]My daughter has been helping me in my business each summer since she was about 10 years old. It has been a good attitude adjuster for her. She has developed some skills and has gained a better attitude about helping others. When some of our neighbors were gone for a short time during the winter she has helped me clean snow from their driveways.[/FONT]
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