I just have an extra minute here, but I thought I'd mention the Greek genea (supposedly only "generation") in Matt. 24:34. It should be translated "race" here. Note the definition from Friberg's lexicon:
"genea,, a/j, h` strictly birth, the circumstances relating to one's origin; (1) literally, those descended from a common ancestor race, clan, descendants (perhaps AC 8.33); as an ethnic group kind (LU 16.8)."
A typcial error of those untaught in languages is to think that the English word "generation" is exactly the same as the Greek word, but it is not. The Greek word has a wider range of meaning, and can be translated as either "generation" or "race." Here it is "race," so knowing that, it is quite easy for a premil believer to exegete.
"genea,, a/j, h` strictly birth, the circumstances relating to one's origin; (1) literally, those descended from a common ancestor race, clan, descendants (perhaps AC 8.33); as an ethnic group kind (LU 16.8)."
A typcial error of those untaught in languages is to think that the English word "generation" is exactly the same as the Greek word, but it is not. The Greek word has a wider range of meaning, and can be translated as either "generation" or "race." Here it is "race," so knowing that, it is quite easy for a premil believer to exegete.
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