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Christ's Church

Dr. Walter

New Member
What kind of head did you mean, then?

All believers are "spiritual" but not all believers are gifted equally or function in the body in the same positions. Those who take the "OVERsight" or are "OVERseers" and placed "OVER" other members for their edification have been placed by the Lord in a position of "authority." The same metaphor "shepherd" is used for those who are UNDER shepherds as for Christ who is the CHIEF shepherd. True, the rest of the members are called on to willingly submit (Heb. 13:7,17) rather than forced to submit just as the wife is to willingly submit to her husband whom God has placed in a position of authority over her. However, we are all called upon to willingly submit to Christ's authority as well. In God's own kingdom there are multilevels of authority, archangels, seraphims, cheribums (Dan. 10:20-21). In the Godhead there are multilevels of positions of authority (1) Father; (2) Son: (3) The Holy Spirit in the covenant of redemption.

In the church there are those who function in the position as "the head" as I Corinthians 12:21 explicitly declares and which is a metaphor for the position of "authority" IN the body who are called on to "rule" diligently (Rom. 12:9).

I Cor. 12:21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.

Although some are put in positions of authority they are still mutually dependent upon the other members of the Body for edification and their function is no more necessary than any other member.
You are making a mistaken application in your interpretation of I Cor. 12:21. Paul is not teaching that there is in the body of Christ another head in addition to Christ. He is simply teaching that all of the parts of a human body need each other. He uses this illustration to teach that all the members of the body of Christ are important and need each other.

Dr. Walter

New Member
You are making a mistaken application in your interpretation of I Cor. 12:21. Paul is not teaching that there is in the body of Christ another head in addition to Christ. He is simply teaching that all of the parts of a human body need each other. He uses this illustration to teach that all the members of the body of Christ are important and need each other.

Are there "husbands" in the body of Christ? Are they not referred to as "the head" of their wives? Your problem is that you want to attach Christ as "the head" to the body in some kind of perverted semi-physical/spiritual way. That is why you speak of a multi-headed monstrosity. However, the phrase "the head" simply means those in position of authority and you cannot deny that UNDER Christ there are multilevels of positions of authority in the spiritual world among the angels and in the church there are multilevels of authority found in the church. There is the level of the husband church member over the wife church member. There is the level of shepherds or UNDER shepherds over the body and placed there by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28).

You simply cannot cope with the Biblical fact that the metaphor "head" simply refers to a position of authority rather than some semi-physical/spiritual attachment to the body as a corpse. That is precisely why you respond with such weird comments "multi-headed monstrosity" as you take it over into the physical realm out of the metaphorical relam.

Dr. Walter

New Member
Some of what you say here is true and accurate, but there is no human hierarchy in the church of Christ. Only Christ is above His people.

there are POSITIONS of authority in the Church and I have proven that and the very term "OVER" as in "OVERsight" and "OVERseers" being placed "OVER" the flock prove that. The fact that the metaphorical body being described in I Cor. 12:14-27 is not a headless corpse but is described as a full body demonstrates the phrase "the head" in verse 21 refers to "authority" as a POSITION in the church UNDER Christ - just as the wife is not a headless corpse but a FULL BODY with a PHYSICAL head but yet the husband is "the head" or has the POSITION of authority over her UNDER Christ. Hence, the term "head" when used metaphorically NEVER refers to a HEADLESS corpse but refers to a POSITION of authority over a FULL BODY whether it is a physical full body as in the wife or a metaphorical full body as in the church.
This is just a bunch of balogna. You are teaching that the body of Christ has Christ as its Head, but it also has another head. This means that the body of Christ has two heads. I suppose you would say with the Catholic Church that Christ is its heavenly head, but the pastor (or pope, in the case of the RCC) is its earthly head. This is a major step in the wrong direction.

Dr. Walter

New Member
This is just a bunch of balogna. You are teaching that the body of Christ has Christ as its Head, but it also has another head. This means that the body of Christ has two heads. I suppose you would say with the Catholic Church that Christ is its heavenly head, but the pastor (or pope, in the case of the RCC) is its earthly head. This is a major step in the wrong direction.

Either you can't read very well or you simply want to intentionally distort the Biblical evidence I presented? Which is it?

Does the church member "husband" replace Christ as the "head" since even in the church assembly he is "the head" of his wife as well as outside the church assembly????? Neither does the Pastor as a metaphorical "head" replace Christ.

Like I said, your perverted view of "head" needs a physical application in order for you to repudiate the truth.