First of I would like to state that it is an honor for me to be able to post and communicate with others who believe in Christ. I am thankful that there are places were we all as human beings can relate to one another our thoughts on the things we have learned and come to undestand and believe. I knew that I would come under much scrutiny as I posted and began to debte with many of you, but I do so with strong convictions about what I believe. if i did not believe what I do then why speak at all. I certainly do not claim to have all the answers and I do not claim to agree fully with others in the church of Christ about many issues. having said that, I still hold to many things because I continue to strive to learn and that means having an open mind about everything that is said and spoken of to me from any person who has strong convictions about what they have learned in their life time.
If I am not sure about something I will study and pray and look into it. Coming to this forum helps me to better understand what I believe and why I believe it.
I believe that I came to faith by hearing the word of God, it pricked my heart and showed me who I was. I am a sinner in need of a savior. I realized that I had done God wrong and was sorry for that, so I decided to put the things of the world behind me and turn towards God. I was not afraid to confess Him before men and I understood the scripture to teach that I needed to be baptized in water in obedience to God's word for the forgiveness of my sins. Through my Christian walk I became stronger in faith and in my obedience. At one time I believe that I fell from Gods grace when I decided to follow after something that He did not want from me. It took a little time but soon enough I came to myself and repented. I believe I had fallen from grace. To which some would just say that I was never saved to begin with, but I know I was saved. I realize that I was foraking Christ and forfeiting my eternal inheritance. I believe that I was in error in my actions yet I still was a child of God, I believe that a child of God can still be a child of God and forfeit his eternal salvation. I do not think it is losing salvation, that seems to be different to me and to what I see in scripture. I was not re-baptized because I do not see any passage that teaches that one who needs to be restore needs to be rebaptized. I certainly see that one needs to repent and to pray that he my be restored.
My beliefs are open to new thoughts as I continue to study everyday, I continue to pray and learn about God and the things that I may have wrong. I believe salvation is of God through God and about God. I do not boast about the things that God has asked me to do in His name, faith, repentance, confession, baptism, and steadfastness are ablessing from Him. I would not be able to know these things if it were not for His grace and mercy towards me.
My intentions on this forum are strictly to learn through debate and conversation. I do not hold any contentions towards anyone of you, I merely seek to proclaim what i believe to be true and to learn more about what you believe.
If I am not sure about something I will study and pray and look into it. Coming to this forum helps me to better understand what I believe and why I believe it.
I believe that I came to faith by hearing the word of God, it pricked my heart and showed me who I was. I am a sinner in need of a savior. I realized that I had done God wrong and was sorry for that, so I decided to put the things of the world behind me and turn towards God. I was not afraid to confess Him before men and I understood the scripture to teach that I needed to be baptized in water in obedience to God's word for the forgiveness of my sins. Through my Christian walk I became stronger in faith and in my obedience. At one time I believe that I fell from Gods grace when I decided to follow after something that He did not want from me. It took a little time but soon enough I came to myself and repented. I believe I had fallen from grace. To which some would just say that I was never saved to begin with, but I know I was saved. I realize that I was foraking Christ and forfeiting my eternal inheritance. I believe that I was in error in my actions yet I still was a child of God, I believe that a child of God can still be a child of God and forfeit his eternal salvation. I do not think it is losing salvation, that seems to be different to me and to what I see in scripture. I was not re-baptized because I do not see any passage that teaches that one who needs to be restore needs to be rebaptized. I certainly see that one needs to repent and to pray that he my be restored.
My beliefs are open to new thoughts as I continue to study everyday, I continue to pray and learn about God and the things that I may have wrong. I believe salvation is of God through God and about God. I do not boast about the things that God has asked me to do in His name, faith, repentance, confession, baptism, and steadfastness are ablessing from Him. I would not be able to know these things if it were not for His grace and mercy towards me.
My intentions on this forum are strictly to learn through debate and conversation. I do not hold any contentions towards anyone of you, I merely seek to proclaim what i believe to be true and to learn more about what you believe.