JustChristian said:
Why do you carry a gun then?
You clarified with the statement:
JustChristian said:
I was replying to the following:
I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
I asked if you wouldn't shoot someone why do you carry a gun.
I was illustrating a point using three parallel examples that I thought everyone could understand.
Let’s try this again…
I don't buy a fire extinguisher because I want a fire.
What this means is that I don’t really want a fire, but I will buy a fire extinguisher in case I need to use it. Frankly, I hope I never have to use the two fire extinguishers I have in my home.
I don't wear my seatbelt because I want to get into an automobile accident.
What this means is that I don’t want to be in an automobile accident, but I wear a seat belt in case something happens. Frankly, I hope I’m never in an automobile accident.
I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone.
What this means is that I don’t really want to have to shoot anyone, but I carry a firearm in case someone else places me in a position where I need to protect my own life or the lives of my family and friends. Frankly, I hope I never have to draw the pistol, but I will do it if it is appropriate, and I will likely pull the trigger if I am forced to do it by the circumstances.
If you don’t understand that, I’m not sure we can have an adult conversation about important issues.
Then you said this:
JustChristian said:
Why not rely on the police and put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Let's consider both bits of advice:
“Rely on the police”
Our friend
preachinjesus made a point the other day when he talked about how quickly things happen. His error was mistaking the initial act of violence as the entire incident and not thinking past the first few seconds of the event. However, he is right to emphasize that these events happen quickly. For instance, during the Wedgwood Baptist Church shooting here in Fort Worth on 9/15/1999,
the shooter fired more than 100 aimed rounds (mostly hitting what he wanted to hit) and tossed a poorly made pipe bomb before he ended his own life. There was a police office who lived across the street who was alerted to what was happening by one of the hysterical teens who fled the building. He grabbed his police radio, called it the massacre and got almost every unit in Fort Worth rolling toward the church building. The off-duty officer then ran across the street, gun drawn to see what he could do. By the time he entered the building, the gunman had just taken his own life.
While the entire event felt like it took a long time to those person who were trapped hiding under the pews and watching their friends get murdered, the reality is that the shooting took probably only about two to three minutes at most. The police officer across the street didn’t have enough time to respond to make a different in the outcome, and the first officers responding from the radio call (a call which has more credibility than a simple 911 call), arrived about two minutes after the off duty officer entered the building.
There just usually is not enough time for the police to arrive in that type of situation.
It is not a criticism of the police officers to point out that the best service they could offer was to help the wounded and secure the scene. They were not able to end the killer’s deadly rampage. It was over long before they could possibly get there. However, one person with a firearm could have possible ended the massacre after only one or two people were shot. It would not have prevented the first death, Sydney Browning (I went to her funeral), because she was shot before anyone knew what was going on as the killer entered the building, but it’s possible the rest could have been prevented or greatly reduced.
“Put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ”
I do put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But I also buy fire extinguishers, wear my seatbelt, buy health insurance, put money in savings, buy life insurance so my wife will have some financial options if I die unexpectedly, etc.
Simply “relying on Jesus” without taking sensible and prudent precautions is simply presuming on God’s grace. You may not have the same conviction, but that’s your business.