Provide Scripture for your stance.So, I guess some of you truly believe that Jesus would have told you that if somebody is trying to kill you and your family, just let them, don't arm yourself, don't defend yourself, just let them do whatever they want. :tonofbricks:
Trust in the providence of God.
It is Jesus who holds the keys of death hell and of death (Rev.1:18).
He has the power over life and death. He is sovereign. If it is your time to die, not all the weaponry in the world can stop you from dying.
Criminals have access to guns no matter what the laws are. And they have access to bigger, better, and more sophisticated guns then the little concealed "water pistol" you carry.
You need to ask yourself the question how you want people to remember you when you die: Like a member of the New York mob, the Italian Mafia, an unsaved Texan Cowboy shooting up the wild west, etc. Is that the reputation you want left behind--you and your guns?
Or is it that of a Christian who suffered gladly at the hands of others?
Look around you? What is happening in America today? In the past few days there has been six different mass shootings with dozens of people killed, all unnecessary deaths. Why? The easy accessibility of guns. Violence begets violence. And some Christians want to get caught up in this same violent culture that Christianity ought not have any part of. Is it "hip" to be violent? Is that the current fad? Take a look:
America is self-destructing. Are you, as a Christian, part of the problem or part of the solution?