Forgiveness? Certainly. Restoration of Leadership? Never!
Proverba 6:32 He who commits adultery with a woman is void of understanding. He who does it destroys his own soul.
33 He will get wounds and dishonor. His reproach will not be wiped away.
He can be restored to fellowship but if restored to leadership he will bring dishonor and reproach to the office he holds. That reproach, that reputation, will follow him for the rest of his life.
Even you, Cranston, still question his conduct, wondering about, but seeing no evidence for, his again committing adultery.
When I was a young man there was a neighbor boy who lived down the street. He liked to imitate his daddy. One day his daddy hung a beautiful new door on their house. It had been hand carved and beautifully hand stained.
The next morning the parents were awakened by pounding. Dad jumped out of bed and ran to the living room and there was little Freddy pounding nails into that beautiful new door.
Dad exploded! Little Freddy just looked at his dad and said, "No problem, daddy. If you don't like the nails I will just pull them out.
Even when all the nails were gone, the scars still remained. The door was permanently ruined.
The life of an adulterer is much the same. Even though the sin is gone, the scars remain, and can never be wiped away. If he returns to leadership he brings that reproach to that office with him, and not only demeans the office, but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
God has set some standards for His Pastors/Deacons. It would behoove us to learn them. Understand them. And obey them.
Its time we started taking sin as seriously as God does.
His new position is several states away. He basically started over. And I have no idea, nor will I pry to see what the members/leadership of his present church know of his sin. That's between he, his wife, that church, and GOD. I have no horse in that race.
BTW, he was NOT restored to membership of his original church.