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Common Ground Coffee House #106

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Feb 4, 2007.

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  1. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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  2. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Mornin' folks....I'm still struggling towards consciousness. Had a wonderful sleep last night and my body is loathe to give it up!

    Yesterday was weird. Snow, rain, clear, rain, snow, rain, clear. The second snow had those giant clumpy flakes that measure in inches across. Barry had never seen that before and it was fun to see him enjoy it. At any rate, it had all melted off before bedtime again -- a little icy frosting on some of the ground, but that was all.

    Woke up this morning to a total white world! Another front came in during the night and really dumped. There must be three inches outside and here on the valley floor we got no snow two years ago, a little last year, and now....!!!

    Welcome to global warming!

    The sky is steely gray and dark buyt the snow-covered ground and street are bright, bright white. Makes an interesting contrast! Usually the sky is lighter than the ground. This is an upside down world this morning.

    Guess I'll cancel taking Dusty to the vet's for shots, though. Can't get out! Our little Toyota van isn't equipped with tires for this sort of thing and it's not a 4WD. I can't even see the road! Or the driveway, for that matter, although I know where THAT is!

    One thing about this snow, though. At least the fruit trees won't try to bud too early and then get caught by a later frost! They are staying nice and dormant for a long time and we should have great crops this summer/autumn.

    Looking out at the snow, hot tea tastes SO good!

    God bless you all this morning. The rest of the day, too. I think I'm starting to wake up (remember we are three hours behind you folks in the east. Still, this IS time for me to be up and at 'em)
  3. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey guys - if you could think to pray for something for me right now. We sent a missions team to Cuba a week ago and out of the 5 people on the trip, 3 have had loved ones pass away since they left. One woman's brother passed away last week and she came home. Another man's father passed away Sunday night and just this morning I got news that our missions pastor (the head of the team that went down) had his mother-in-law pass away this morning. I know they can't reach the team right now - they've been trying to since Saturday but communications are really sketchy. I'm feeling so badly for them since there were lots of things they were trying to get finished while they were there. They went with a small team and I'm not sure, if they reach them, if these two men will be coming home or just waiting until Saturday, when they're scheduled to come home.

    SIGH - death stinks on this side, doesn't it?
  4. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    Praying right now, Ann.

    Wow. I beat Sue up this morning [wait-a-minute, I meant that I got to the coffeehouse before Sue.]

    In early because I'm taking my Wife and my Mother-in-Law to the airport this morning. Wouldn't you know it?, they're heading to Texas where it's in the 70s and sunny,and here it's in the low 30s and we get snow & freezing rain.

    I brought in Smoked Ham, Hash Browns, Eggs, and Homemade Biscuits. Enjoy.

    Gotta fly. :laugh: :laugh:
  5. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Ohhhhhh. I am so sore! You better learn to respect yer elders you young whippersnapper! :tonofbricks:

    Good morning all,

    Other than the beating I got from Rob, I feel pretty good. I am working the corner again this morning, but am going to call the regular and tell her I can't work this afternoon. We will have heavy rain by then and it is still cold. It's just not worth me getting soaked in these temperatures. I certainly don't want another bad bout of Bronchitis!

    Brent will be leaving tomorrow evening for a basketball tourney in southern IL. He will be gone from Thursday night to Saturday, around noon. Woo Hoo! A mini vacation for the Grandma! :applause:

    Time to get moving!
  6. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Here it is the last day of February, and one month closer to spring. We shall see if the groundhogs are right. It should storm like the devil tomorrow, and we shall use another adage: "In like a wolf and out like a lamb!"

    It remains cool this morning, but it is getting milder each day. Yesterday was sunfilled as is to-day.

    I shouldn't like to be "beat up" first off either. I saw that photo of Bob and thought he is a rather handsome bloke, innt he?

    Cheers, and God bless,

  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Jim! I've been missing you! :tear:

    If you are talking about "my" Bob, yes, he is a very handsome young man. :love2:

    It has been snowing, but now has turned to ice. It's hard telling what we'll get before this day is over. A mixture of everything I believe. :BangHead:

    I need to do a load of laundry and then start packing for Brent.
  8. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning, folks!

    Well, I did a major grouch last night on the private women's forum for no reason other than I was grouchy and tired and sick of gray skies.

    But today, for this five minutes, the sky -- or parts of it -- is blue and the sun in shining at least here for at least now, although we are guaranteed of more rain today. Or snow. Or both.

    Sometime between today and tomorrow I will be 59 years and 14 3/4 birthdays old. So a very merry unbirthday to us all!

    Gina and the girls are sick, and Chris might be. Hard to tell with him...he rarely runs a fever and he just gets grouchy.

    THAT'S what's wrong! I've caught a grouchy bug! Welll, now that that's diagnosed, I feel ever so much better. It's not my fault! I'm SICK!

    LOL -- does that sound liberal new-age or WHAT?

    Animals are hungry. Even the guinea pig is squeaking at me from the next room.

    Sue, have a wonderful mini-vacation. Everyone needs one!

    Well, there goes the sun and here come more clouds. That was nice while it lasted...

    ohhhh, I AM in a mood this morning, aren't I?

    I'll let the animals rescue you all from me...

    God bless us, everyone!
  9. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Helen - Go put treats in your pockets and go see the horses. That never fails to put a smile on my face!! We run around and play tag - with them trying to get the treats from me. :laugh: I hope today finds a happier day for you. ((HUGS))

    I'm getting a lot done today. This house has gotten beyond me and I'm fighting back. Did a lot this morning and plan to do more this afternoon. I'm even going to treat myself to some food from my favorite Mexican place for lunch to make it even a better day!! LOL! I have PT this afternoon and then church (finally!) tonight. I'm taking a class on Bible Study Methods and it's really good! Learning not just how to do quiet time kind of Bible study but learning how to really dig in - use references - dictionaries, concordances, study guides, etc. - to learn how to study the Scriptures. Next week will be great - DH is teaching the class! I wonder if I'll get a 100 for that day?? ;) I'm sure I can convince him!! :saint:

    Take care everyone! It's warm here - 45 degrees - I'm almost tempted to open up! It's just like spring out there! I'm gonna see if I can see some crocuses under all that snow!! ;)
  10. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    I'm baaaack from the airport.

    I'm having Horseradish Ham-Potato Bake and Beef Pot Roast Sandwiches au jus for lunch, so I made enough to bring into the coffeehouse. The dessert is Molten Chocolate Cakes. Enjoy.

    Time to tackle the chores before they tackle me.
  11. Jon-Marc

    Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    FoG, I left Michigan after more than half a century of freezing, and now I bask in the sun and heat of Florida. Yes, it gets chilly here in the winter, but there's NO snow or ice--THANK GOD! It's 80 degrees and sunny right now, and I enjoyed a long walk early this afternoon and will go out for another walk later this afternoon. I will be going down after I eat to check out the pool and soak in the hot tub. It's a rough life, but someone's got to live it. :godisgood:
  12. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Helen, is that true that you are only 14 & 3/4 years old? Boy, you are pretty smart for your age. :laugh: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I am sure the folks here in the CGCH join me to wish you many happy returns in the Lord! :wavey:

    #252 Barnabas H., Feb 28, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2007
  13. abcgrad94

    abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    I have 5 yellow crocus blooms already, left over from last year. Hope the pretty purple ones bloom again, too. A church friend came over with some chocolate chip cookies. Want some? I'll share. Can't say the same for my husband and kids! :laugh:

    Helen--Happy Birthday! I hope your day is really special. :wavey:

    Ann--praying for your friends
  14. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Who's a whippersnapper? You are only 8 years older than I am Sue. So you're more like a slightly older sister then the senior citizen you pretend to be. :laugh:

    Good Morning Everybody,

    This morning I "arrived in the coffeehouse before Sue." So I cannot wrongly be charged with assault & battery on a mod.

    It is 32 degrees headed for a high of 36 today. We have a bit of freezing rain changing over to all rain, before it changes back into snow tomorrow.

    This morning I brought in steaming hot biscuits, fresh fruit preserves, fruit salad, and eggs & bacon. Enjoy.

    I'll get my chores done, then I'm going to start experimenting. I'm trying to come up with my version of Hamburger Helper....I call it Hamburger Accomplice. :laugh:

    Time to run I've got Gkids to get up, feed, and take to school.
  15. palagislandgirl

    palagislandgirl New Member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Common Ground Coffee House#106

    Morning all,
    It's a balmy 46 here. I wish I could stay and chat but must go to work again this morning. One school in the district is already scheduling me to sub for people in the last part of April! I have been there all week and will be there again on Monday. Hey, I need a good paycheck. God is providing right when I need it. Isn't He just awesome that way. Everybody have a good day, my breakfast will have to be to go again this morning.
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Oooooh, bacon, eggs, and biscuits sound GOOD, Rob! Thanks!

    We are under flash flood/severe thunderstorm warnings. It thundered and rained most of the night and we have a lot of snow to melt. The ground is still too frozen to absorb it, thus the flood warning. We are also expecting damaging winds and hail...

    Next week, it's supposed to be in the 50's, so maybe spring is just around the corner. I hope, I hope, I hope!

    Time for some hot chocolate and then take Brent to school.

  17. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Happy Belated Birthday Helen.

    Must be nice to have a Husband who can name a star for you on your birthday :thumbs:, or are you the only star he studies?
  18. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning all!

    Rob, no, there are no stars named after me! It is enough that I am married to this wonderful man.

    Our dining room was FINALLY finished yesterday and we were able to move all the furniture back in, in time for Bible study last night. That is major! No more bumps in the floor! There is still other repair work for the contractor to do, hopefully this year....but having the inside LOOK like it's finished is wonderful!

    Rainy again, but I dare not complain seeing what some of you others are going through. I pray for your safety.

    Thursday today. Catch up on books and clean up the desk and den. Work on a little artsy-craftsy thing I'm doing for someone for Easter.

    And I thought, for my future daughter-in-law, I'd start a sort of 'term paper' thickness thing of my memories of my son growing up. I think she would enjoy that. And I'll sure enjoy remembering and putting it down.

    So it will be a fun and busy day, I think, and some friends are taking us out to dinner tonight, which is always lovely.

    Rob, we did our own version of hamburger helper, too, while the kids were growing up -- we called it scrambled hamburger! I still do it sometimes: cook/crumble some ground meat, add veggies of various sorts and your favorite cream of something soup and serve over noodles. It was a fast, favorite meal. These days I tend to get a little more fancy, as I have the time to and a husband who loves the experiments, God bless him! So I'll make my own sauces and such. They USUALLY turn out.

    Barnabas, thank you for that lovely bouquet! Flowers always brighten up things this time of year. Our prayers continue for you and your lovely wife and good health.

    Time to get out of my jammies and into warm clothes and go feed the beasties. Already got the laundry started and the wood stove stoked, so that's a start, anyway. It IS hard to get motivated on these cloudy, drizzly days, though!

    God bless you all.
  19. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Hi..I am taking the day off to rest in prepartion for that long 31 day March. I am not used to long marches anymore.

    Yes, Happy Birthday, Helen! Hard to keep up with all these young 'uns birthdays in here.


  20. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    If they don't turn out...just get a superior look on your face and mutter "Last time I'll try to cook like Emeril or Rachel Ray, from now on they can try and cook like me!"
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