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Common Ground Coffee House #106

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Feb 4, 2007.

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  1. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey Sue - I didn't know Pastor Bob was your son! GREAT name (I have a Pastor Bob too - and I married him, although he wasn't a pastor when I married him), and he's quite handsome. ;) Pastor Bob, it's good to "meet" you!

    I'm getting ready to run off to church. We have a luncheon for all the "cell" group leaders (small group leaders - we're working away from the "cell" name because of terrorism! LOL) After that I need to hit the grocery to pick up some stuff for the next few days - we're due to get some snow and ice again, although we'll see how it unfolds today. But I need things anyway - milk, bread, eggs, laundry detergent, etc. So, I'll brave the store before a storm and get some things.

    Have a wonderful day all!
  2. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    No church for us today. We got snow, with over 1 " of ice on top of it. Today we can expect more snow.

    Wow, a Mother-Son Moderator Team. Do you patrol each other's posts for picture size, etc?

    In honor of Pastor Bob visiting the coffeehouse I brought in Mini-Sticky Pecan Rolls, Omlettes{made-to-order], Oven Roasted Hash, and Sausage Gravy and Biscuits. Enjoy.

    Today is going to be an easy day. After the chores I've got to get some more dish-washer detergent[after I get the car thawed out.] In our house that's an emergency.
  3. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning all.

    I'm dripping wet and drying off a little as I sit here taking a break. So much rain in the last 24 that I got out to the barn area this morning and starting digging drainage canals. The barn and stalls are on high ground, but when we had the decomposed granite put in for the small paddocks, the guy put a bunch of it out too far and it's blocking the water from going down into the low part of the pasture and flooding the exits of the paddocks into the pasture. What a mess! So I was slogging around out there about an hour ago when a real downpour started and I got a lot of the water draining away through that high area into the lower pasture, which is now a pond!

    Barry is driving our little old ladies to church and I'm foregoing church this morning to make sure the animals are OK. I still have to clean out stalls and hooves, if they will hold still long enough! The horses, not the stalls....

    And I'm already tired.

    And Dusty didn't come when I called him so I at least have to rescue him from the pasture. He was too busy sniffing sniffs out in one area and I guess he didn't think I meant it when I told him "come along, Dusty! We're going in now." I hope he has learned I meant it.

    Well, my clothes are almost dry although my hair is wet. Time to go out and see if I can't get things a little more in order out there.

    God bless you all.
  4. Pastor_Bob

    Pastor_Bob Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2002
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    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I set some homemade oatmeal-raisin cookies on the counter if anyone would like one. They are my personal favorite.

    Pray for me as I preach tonight at my home church here in Lincoln, IL. It is always an honor to come back home and visit the church in which I was saved, baptized, and married.
  5. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Pastor, if you would Sir please keep an eye on your Mom. She can sometimes let her enthusiasm get the best of her at basketball games, and if she starts to lose control during your preaching, just "hit her with a technical foul", and she should calm down.

    I know what a committed Child of God she is, and she will be glowing with [righteous] pride while you preach. She might not be a preacher, but she manages to very effectively witness to all [albeit with her toungue-in-her-cheek sometimes.]

    Guess we know what they mean about the "Family of God". The reunions must be fantastic!
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Rob: How did you know that Pastor Bob was also a basketball and football official in his spare time? :thumbs:

    Just got home from church and it was such a joy to hear Bob preach! I don't get to do that very often. Of course, I got a tear in my eye when he stated from the pulpit that his wife is an excellent cook (which she is) but there's just something about coming home to 'mom's' fried chicken. I'm such a sop! :laugh:

    We all hugged and said good-bye after church. They are heading out at 8:00 in the morning and I got called to sub on the corner all next week so I won't be home when they leave. I'm glad there won't be "good-byes" in Heaven. I don't like them... :tear:

    I have to take Brent to school in the morning and go straight to my corner, so I will probably be late checking in here.

    Good night all and pleasant dreams! :sleeping_2:
  7. Timotheus

    Timotheus New Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    Where is everyone?

    It is snowing in my neck of the woods. Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Helen, by now you must have dried up, well rested, and the rain is over.

    I Am Blessed, glad you had a great time with your Preacher son.

    Have a good day all.
  8. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Out of the mouth of babes [and Pastors who were babes a long time ago.] See. He brags about your fried chicken from the pulpit. I told you your cooking was far better than mine, and your Son proclaims it to the whole church[ and since it came from a Pastor, from the pulpit, it has to be true.]

    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 32 degrees here. At least the temp is going in the right direction.

    Sue I hope everybody seated around you last night had sunglasses on, because you were glowing like floodlight. To see and hear your Son preach the gospel has to be the closest to heaven anybody can be, and still be on earth.

    Maybe I should have let Sue bring in her now famous fried chicken for breakfast, maybe she will for lunch. Guess we'll have to make do with Filled Apple Breakfast Cake, Pancakes, Eggs, Bacon & Sausage, and Home Fries.

    Time to get to work. The chores are staring at me.
  9. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Mornin' folks!

    Timotheus, I went back out and dug the ditches deeper while Barry was at church! Got the worst parts about 2/3 drained and I was satisfied with that. We'll get some more DG (decomposed granite) in this spring and get things right.

    But dry out? Sort of...the rain turned to snow last night, but not a lot of it. dusting the ground, and pretty. But we are due for rain/snow for at least another week....this is OREGON! But here in the southern part we are not subject to rusting instead of tanning the way they are up north...grin...we do get plenty of sunshine and the summers can be quite warm. We love it here!

    Also, here on the west coast we are three hours later than you! So when you were asking where everyone was, I was still curled up asleep. :sleeping_2:

    So it's pretty out now as the day is starting to lighten. I've loaded the wood stove and it will hold for about 6-8 hours. Have NO intention of going out to feed the horses for another hour -- baby, it's cold outside!

    Barry and Chris are still asleep and there is only one load of laundry to do, but if I go in to do it now, the guinea pig, whose cage is in there, will wake up and he'll start squeaking for some people food (he gets a little in the mornings to supplement his pellet diet). If I go into the kitchen, I'll wake Chris up, as his two rooms are right off the kitchen.

    So here I am, me and my cup of tea. There is always the option of cleaning up the desk.....welllllllll...and there are some manuscripts from others I was asked to read......that's work!

    Well, I have an hour. Best to redeem the time, eh? I'll get another cup of tea first.... and some of Rob's delicious cyber breakfast....Thanks, Rob!

    God bless you all.
  10. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey all! Where's that coffee - I hope it's strong! I went to bed with a migrane last night so I took some Imitrex and could tell it worked because when I woke up at 3 AM, my headache was gone but we had a lot of snow so I was wondering if there would be school. I came to the computer and checked online - lots of closings and delayed openings but nothing for our district, so I went back to bed. I woke again at 4:30 and checked again - nothing. Woke at 5:30, struggled for a 1/2 hour to NOT get up but finally decided that I needed to check because I could then just go back to sleep - nothing. At 6:15, the time my girls have to get up for school they FINALLY had made a decision - no school. So I got VERY broken sleep last night and NEED strong coffee!

    So, after I could finally sleep, I had to be out of the house at 8:45 for PT and then I ran to the drug store to pick up hair color. No better time than the present (so please forgive the smelly goop on my hair). Yea - this beautiful medium golden brown is NOT my natural color. My natural color is a bit darker with quite a bit of grey now. I much prefer this box color so color I do. LOL!

    Bob and the girls are out shoveling the 5" of snow we got before the rain makes it too heavy to do - AND before it freezes to cement tonight. We JUST got rid of all the ice from the Valentine's Day ice storm so we don't want that again. Later, the kids will go out and finally make this year's first snowman while I finish up the laundry - I'm done!! What a project THAT was!! Of course, you know "done" is a relative term when it comes to laundry.

    Helen - those babies are not going to be happy getting their breakfast late. I know Whirl destroys his stall if you're late at all - LOL!

    Rob - don't ever sell yourself short. You do a great job cooking and I've tried a number of your recipes and they're always hits. :D You're as good a cook as any woman! LOL! - and I know you're man enough to take that compliment!!
  11. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Late last night I got an urge to check my email, and lo, there was a letter from the grandson of a preacher I shared ministry with in Quebec back in the 60's. I never knew this chap and his mother and father had just graduated from Bob Jones University back then....

    The Lord knows timing. I was getting a little down cos all my old friends are dying off and I was a little glum...and along comes the angel's ministry of hope!

    Just thought I would share one of the miracles the Lord does in and for His people.


  12. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Jim, yes I know what you mean. I think the internet is great for keeping in touch with people.

    Have a good day,


  13. Friend of God

    Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Darn Right I'm Man enough!!!:applause: DARN!, I just broke a nail. :laugh:

    As long as the Woman isn't named Ann, Sue, Cindi, Helen, Gayla, or Donna. I bow to the majority.
  14. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    I'm glad that email came for you, Jim. I'm not even sixty yet but some of my old friends are already gone and it is a horrid feeling. They won't be here again.

    My mother died at 82, and I remember her talking about the strange lonliness of having her friends gone and the life she knew finished. You and I both know that you have something glorious coming that will last forever, but right now....right now....it's a little hard.

    God bless you and keep you.
  15. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Let's all join hands and do the Happy Dance!:godisgood:

    My tumor marker went down 52 points!!:laugh: :praying: :1_grouphug:
  16. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Gayla - That's SOOOOO awesome!! Dancing right along with you!!

    :godisgood: :1_grouphug:
  17. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Praying this means you are on the way back, Gayla! I'm really happy for you!
  18. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    So glad to hear the news!
  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Congratulations, Gayla!
    Doing the happy dance with you! [​IMG]

    Rob: I'm the Mama! :love2:

    Good morning all,

    I just realized that I didn't stop by here yesterday! It was a busy day.

    I got up, fixed breakfast, took Brent to school, went to work at the corner, went by the eye doctors to get my frames adjusted, went to Wal-Mart to pick up pictures (they weren't ready), stopped by Krogers to get a prescription refill and was back home by 10:00!

    Then I did the laundry, straightened up the house, got things ready for supper, piddled around doing odds and ends, worked the corner in the afternoon, picked Brent up from school, went by Wal-Mart to pick up pictures again (they still weren't ready), cooked supper, ate supper, did dishes, quizzed Brent on his spelling words for his test today, and played the game CRANIUM until it was time for showers and bed.

    Whew. I'm tired today just reading what I did yesterday!

    Anyway, it's time to do it all over again...

    #239 I Am Blessed 24, Feb 27, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2007
  20. annsni

    annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Good morning everyone! I'm feeling better today with the migraine. I'm still a little tired but that's OK. I've got my tea (nice and strong British tea) and I'm gonna take a shower after Bob does so I'll be good. Today is a quiet day. I'm praying all day for a dear online friend who's having a hysterectomy - she should be going in right about now to the OR. I'm lifting her in prayer all day that all will go well and that the cancer is contained.

    Today will be a quiet day. No PT but I have to call our new insurance company to try to get my new insurance number and info so that I can give it to the PT place so I can keep going. Otherwise it's homeschooling and cleaning up the house. It's gotten messy again (yea, go figure with 6 people that it could get messy!), so I want to clean it up. After having our pastor almost drop by one night last week when it was a MESS, I'm trying to keep on top of atleast the living room/dining room/entry hall. I'm always on top of the kitchen, but the other rooms are "dumping" rooms for everyone else.

    I think I'm either going to make a pot of chicken soup and serve it with fresh homemade bread and salad for dinner tonight or else I'll do spaghetti and meatballs (homemade sauce and meatballs). I'll call DH this afternoon to see what he's in the mood for.

    The coffee is hot, the hot water is ready and I left some homemade cinnamon rolls and fruit salad on the counter. Enjoy!
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