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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Yawn... laundry day... seems like it'll never be finished but only 2 loads left.

    Ty's sleeping so hard. Wish I could crawl into the porta crib with him. Nick's still at the table. He got carried away reading his science and then his story for today was a sad one and he wanted to read it to me before doing his questions. We still have an hour and a half to pick up the kids tho.

    Hubby won't be home for supper tonight until 9 p.m. so I'm trying to think of something to cook that holds up well. I have to go to bed not long after he gets in since I have to get up so early!

    Thursday is Home School Day at our Ag. Center with all sorts of displays, etc. Nick and Ty are very excited! Ty does 'his work' while Nick does school work. Rob and Sheila bought the boys some things. Ty's was a wipe off tablet to learn his shapes and some other things. He's been making circles all morning! He's thrilled with it.

    I'll try to get some photos of the boys at the Ag Center, if I can remember my camera. I'll also try to not wear black. I was posting the picture of Gayla, Sheila and myself and realized that I've had on black in almost every picture with BB members! I've got on a dark gray turtle neck today. That's funny because most of my clothes are NOT black. LOL

    Gayla, your email won't work or I'd send you the photos! I must have the one before you moved.

  2. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    oops! I'll pm
  3. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Diane and Gayla

    Rob has been putting photos on the computer, so I will try and work out how to post some to you both. [​IMG]

    Diane, Rob did so enjoy showing Nick how to do things, like the drawings. I am pleased Ty likes his drawing board.

    I eventually got to speak to Cathy and we could hear Morgan crying in the background. Cathy was discharged 2 days after her caesarean. Surely that is too soon?? Anyway, she sounds fine and is looking forward to seeing us, probably next week. I will stock up on camera film. :D


  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Just popping in for a minute before I go to 'the corner' and then deliver papers.

    I went to the hospital to see Shawna this morning. She is not a 'happy camper'. She was crying and I felt so helpless. She IS still my 'baby'...She had just finished an MRI. The results will be back today or tomorrow. She was supposed to have her pre-op exam for the hysterectomy Thursday, but I feel sure that was postponed.

    I am taking Brent up to visit with her after we deliver papers today, then home to fix supper. I probably won't get back on here until later this evening.

    I just got the official word that I will be starting my 2nd paper route October 1st. That will give me 140 papers per day to deliver!

    §ue (SHOULD be getting THINNER!)
  5. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Where is everybody tonite????
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh Blackbird, it's the new T.V. season! I'm waiting for CSI: Miami. I did watch part of Everybody Love Raymond. Jim got in after 8. I'd made pork stir fry for supper and Nick kept asking for more so none was left for Jim. That 9 year old sure does eat good! He had cheese for dessert and one piece of some very delicious candy from England ;) ;)

    I've been reading Armando's Treasure, by Melody Carlson. She's a Christian Fiction writer and I've enjoyed her books so far. Much deeper than Blackstock but still a pleasant read.

    I had the children outback this afternoon. We found a LARGE Black Widow on a Tonka Truck so Jim and I are going to check all the toys tomorrow. The torrential rains pushed red clay down over the toys and it hardens on .... Praise the Lord, I saw the spider before Ty picked it up to play! I had a small shovel in my hand and was able to kill her. If I find more, I'll take a photo. Jim sprays our whole yard several times a year to try and prevent them.....

    I'm SO sleepy! I did get to go back to sleep for a while this morning but had some segmented and dream filled bits of sleep.... and it wasn't pleasant at all. Not nightmares... just kept waking me!

    Only about 20 days until our son and his wife will bring Jack to stay with us for 5 days while they attend Catalyst in Atlanta. It's with John C. Maxwell and Injoy.com Our Minister of Youth attends too. http://injoy.com/catalyst04/frames.html

    A girlfriend is trying to plan a trip to spend a week with us. She's my age but a Great Grandmother! She had a baby at 14 and gave her to relatives for adoption. She reunited when the child was only a preschooler and now they are mother and daughter again. Not sure of the circumstances. All those years and no one in our church knew of her summer away. [​IMG] Things were different in the early 1960's. Girls went to visit an aunt or grandmother .... and their 'shame' was kept hidden. I was her best friend and never knew until 10 years ago!

    So.... Blackbird, did I write enough for everyone? I tend to write novels. Jim says I'm the most open book he's ever met. LOL

  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Sheila, Ty was hysterically funny today. He had gas and thought that was funny. Then he got the 'Ups' as he calls them. (hiccups) He chased Jim out of the house for a hug and kiss and didn't want him to go to work. Then, this afternoon, he tells me his Daddy 'work and say...
    Oh What a Day!'

    He draws circles and circles and circles on the board and tells us it's his mom or a square, etc. He's very proud of his new 'school work board'. Thank you again for the love you showed us all! Nick keeps saying, 'It was like they are family'.

  8. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Oh Goodness, Diane. It is certainly a good thing I wasn't there. I can't stand those creatures, no matter what the size.

    Well, I am wide awake and so is Rob, so I thought I would look in and see what everyone is up to.

    Going for a wander...
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Shawna's MRI showed no osteomyelitis, just cellulitis so I picked her up, drove her by the pharmacy to get meds and dropped her off at her house. She has had osteomyelitis 3 times, but the last time was 4 years ago.

    I finally got all the laundry and ironing done and still managed to fix a decent supper and wash the dishes, but I am too pooped to pop!!!

    Pleasant dreams all!

    §ue (bed is gonna feel good!)
  10. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Diane, We must have posted the same time as I didn't see your last post. Yes, Ty is a cutie isn't he? Thank you for making us feel so at home. We feel we have always known you. We love Nick, he is such a young gentleman. We are praying that one day you can visit us in our home.

    Sheila and Rob
  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    52ºF here heading for a high of 83ºF with plenty of sunshine and humidity!

    I have an old dresser to paint today, along with the walls and ceiling in the bedroom we built for Bobby in the basement. Once that is done, we can set up his bed down there and finish the rest of the room later (a curtain, rugs, etc.). Brent will be very happy to get his room and his bottom bunk back (it is full size)...

    Off to check other forums,
  12. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Good morning all! Reporting on the day after. After we picked up our relatives from JFK Airport. [​IMG]

    When they finally came out, 1.5-ours after the airplane taxied to the gate, my brother-in-law and his wife came to focus at the door. I motioned to them, from behind the barricades, to come toward the left hand side of the terminal. They followed my motion and headed to the left. An unidentified lady followed them.

    After greeting them (European fashion - kisses on the left and on the right), they introduced the lady friend. She was from their building, the 3rd floor, visiting her son. The grandson was getting married, and she came for the wedding. She had a connection to Reno, Nevada with United / Western Airlines. She needed a chaparral to take her to her connection.

    My wife volunteered me, and they sit down in the waiting area for the duration. Now they took her luggage at the check-in point, directly next to the discharge area, but they told us that she need to go to terminal 7 to get her connection. So, we took the elevator to the 3rd floor, got on the tram train and got to terminal 7.

    Western Airlines was the last check-in point in the terminal. They said that the airplane was about to leave! They were kind enough to call the gate and tell them that a passenger is on the way. I took her to the check in point. She had a see-through sandal, nevertheless they made her take it off. She was an elderly lady (about 70-75). I told her repeatedly "Gate 5. It is to your left, when you go up the escalator" (in Hungarian of course). When she finally ventured to the top of the escalator, she froze for a minute or so. She must have been thinking about my instruction. She was moving to the right, then to the left, then she froze again. Boy, I did not know the poor lady, but I was praying for her at that time. I just left it in the capable hands of the Lord and turn around - could not bare to see her indecision.

    When I went back to terminal 4, my wife and company were sitting comfortably on the chairs put there for the weary.... She wasn't even concerned about the ordeal we went through, she just asked: "So, you took her to her gate, didn't you?!" [​IMG]
  13. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Well, my day has been a busy one. We started out at our Mommy and Me class this morning (music and movement for toddlers and mamas). Then we came home and rested, then had piano lessons from 2:00 - 7:00. Hubby has gone to take the babysitters home and I have a few minutes alone. We had a neat little alfredo dish for supper. It was chicken, broccoli and caulifower in an herb and alfredo sauce, over noodles. It was yummy!!

    Hope yall have a great evenin'!
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Wow, sounds like we've all been busy! Jim had today off and we worked all day. Forgive any typing errors. I had to dig out 4 deep splinters and it really hurts to type!

    We took up and cleaned out our pool and then washed down all the toys, checking for spiders and finding some sandbox toys that had cracked in the summer heat. Those will go to the dump! We were able to move both downed trees and got up a good bit of the larger branches and limbs. I've offered to pay Nick to pick up the smaller limbs and things. He likes to earn money. [​IMG]

    We also made it to the grocery store and they've just gotten a 'big rig' grocery buggy that has steering wheels and the whole front of a truck with the buggy behind the child/ children. Ty thinks he drove us all over the store, squealing his tires and yelling at the older ladies to 'watch out!' It was so funny. Nick pretended to get hit and Ty was laughing so hard we had a group of old ladies laughing with him. Oh, Ty made his own lunch too. He got out the peanut butter, crackers and a knife and insisted 'I know how!' so we let him make some little cracker sandwiches. He did really well for his age. Nick thinks he's great. They played out until Ty's nap time and then all the kids played outside until the moms came.

    I ripped the edges on some cardstock paper and soaked it in coffee to age it for scrolls. Sunday School lesson is on Ezra reading to the people. I also printed out a Bible verse in Hebrew. Best I could come up with and it looks good for the 4 year olds. [​IMG] We'll glue the verse on and roll up and tie our scrolls.

    I won't be feeding the brother and sister anymore. LOL. They've complained about the food so mom said she'll pick them up some fast food on the way home and not to bother.

    I put a big roast in the slow cooker early this morning so we had roast, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes with gravy for dinner. Quick and easy after all that work!

    The boys had 'trike' races down our back hill this afternoon. Ty called them 'wheeeee's'. Your turn to 'wheeee' Nick! I made them stay pretty close to the house because it's steep enough that the smaller kids would have smashed into the fence or house. LOLOLOL

    Well Jim and Nick are listening to some opera and putting together a new puzzle of the U.S. and I'm beat so..........

  15. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Sounds like a yummy supper! I halfway expected to read that the kids wanted to eat it!!!
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Bed time for this one!

    Bobby and I painted the ceiling, four walls, and the floor in his 'new' bedroom in the basement.

    He wanted his room two-tone sooo the walls are green (yuck) and the floor brown. Brent and I painted an old eight-drawer dresser brown, the drawers green and the wooden knobs brown. He also had room for a bookshelf and a wooden file cabinet (which doubles as a night stand).

    Bobby is happy to have some privacy and Brent is happy to have his room all to himself again. I am happy it is done!!!

    I did my corner twice today, delivered papers and fixed taco salad for supper. I am super T I R E D!

    Tomorrow is my first day delivering 140 papers instead of 90 and I don't know the new route yet! I'm sure I'll get complaints the first week or so. Oh well...

    Pleasant dreams all!
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    They did eat the oatmeal cookies tho Tater and I was just sure they'd say no. I didn't tell them what they were but just offered cookies.

    Boy Sue! That's almost double the route. Will it take double the time? Hope not!

    Tomorrow is AWANA. I'm so thrilled with how it's going this year! Being Director is much easier than trying to teach a full class and yet I get one on one time with the children when they do their verses.

  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    SUE???? Freecell? What's the name of that place where you can get free appliances and furniture? Our daughter is moving and has some things to give away but will need other things in Connecticut!

  19. BornBaptist

    BornBaptist <img src =/9147.jpg>

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Well, I guess I'll add mine...

    I arose from my slumber at 2:30P.M. (I'm a night owl...)

    Went food shopping with my dad today. Funny moment, We were in Farmer Jack's here locally and Dad was getting some grapes. and I picked up a cocoanut and put it next to my head, and said, "Any Resemblence?", Dad busted a gut laughing! [​IMG]

    Another funny thing, My dad and I have had this ongoing joke... Sometimes we will shop at aldies food stores and you know how you gotta pay a quarter for a cart? Well, the ol' stinker got me good! We were shopping at Save-A-Lot and I was taking the buggy back to buggy recovery area... and my dad goes, "Don't forget your quarter!" I get out of the truck get half to the cart and realize, There is NO quarter! I thought my dad was gonna fall out of the truck laughing at me! The little stinker. [​IMG] :D That's the 2'nd time he's done that... paybacks are in order! :D

    Got back, Ate Chicken fried steak from KY fried Chicken...

    It's currently 5:15 A.M. I've been crusing the "net" for a while. I'm starting to feel a bit hungry. But I don't wanna wake the sleeping monsters (AKA My Mom and Dad...(Dad sleeps like a rock.) But if Mom is awoken, it ain't a pretty site, lemmie tell ya! :eek: [​IMG]

    Anyhow, enough for now...


    [ September 22, 2004, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: BornBaptist ]
  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Diane: It is http://www.freecycle.org/ - they are in most of the states. I use the one in Springfield, IL, because it is closest to me.

    It is a relatively new 'thing' but they have it in 1,432 cities nationwide so far. I hope she can find one near her - it is wonderful!

    The new paper route will double my delivery time until I learn the route, then it should only add about 30 minutes...

    It should only take about 30 minutes to roll 140 papers and I am hoping to be able to deliver the '50' route BEFORE I go to the corner and the '90' route afterwards with Brent (as I am doing now).

    Of course, it will take much longer on Sunday morning as the papers are so LARGE! Plus we have all the inserts to put together...

    The hardest part is learning where everyone wants their paper placed - front porch, side porch, deck, mailbox, hooks under mailbox, paper tube, in front of garage door etc.

    Off to check other forums until I get Brent up at 6:30 - and then my day begins...

    §ue (busy and getting busier)