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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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  2. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well if it were up to me... my house would be spotless but I'm also not stupid! I clean on the weekend and would apologize if you came to my house this afternoon! I had 4 children PLUS Nick and now the neighborhood kids are here! In and out, in and out. We had lunch on our deck but snacks in the kitchen. There's oreo cookie crumbs under 2 chairs, my steps need to be vacuumed, the bathroom they use has orange drips from handwashing off the Georgia red clay and I have 2 porta-cribs up.

    Jim came in and is out raking up the leaves that fell after the last raking in the fall. We have SO many! I do love all the trees tho. [​IMG]

    Going to cook on the grill tonight once the last child leaves. Three nights this week, I'm going to have MacKenzie and Brayden (10 months old) until about 7:30. Dad is training and Mom works 12 hour shifts.

  3. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh well, had the repairman and one of my neighbors see my dirty kitchen today! :eek:

    Hated it for them, but I had other things to do today besides dishes.

    Another $125 for the heat pumps(we have two units and both needed coolant), gotta go do the checkbook. [​IMG] :confused: [​IMG]
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    They had HAY tooo????? :confused: [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Tony! There's no fussin' in here or I would call your Mama and tell her to take you to the woodshed! :D
  6. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    LOL...My Momma could probably still take me to the woodshed! I still respect my Momma. Want her number? ;)
  7. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Sure. I bet I could get some blackmail material. [​IMG]
  8. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Almost gave myself a heart attack figuring that stupid checkbook! :mad: Thought I didn't have enough to make the house payment.....then I realized I had taken the house payment off the register already even though I haven't paid it yet. :D I can be so dumb sometimes! Finances are a sure trigger for my panic attacks and I nearly had a big one. My heart still hasn't completely settled down. (the checkbook being okay only helped a little bit, I hate irrational panic attacks)

    The chocolate chocolate chip cookies I made for myself should help some. I've been craving chocolate for a couple of days now. Funny, cause I haven't really wanted it here lately.

    Sue, you gotta explain this detassling thing to me. Down here in the south we pick cotton, don't know nothin 'bout detassling corn.

    Diane, I haven't bother to sweep or vacuum since last week. Doesn't help to vacuum if it is just going to get tracked back up. It's on the list for tomorrow, since I think most of the yard stuff is done.
  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    MK: Farmers hire crews to pick the tassels off the top of the corn so it doesn't go to seed. It's a hard, dirty job, but pays good for the summer (especially if you're too young to get a regular job).


    They also hire crews to walk the bean fields and cut the corn out of the beans. I've never done that, but my kids have. It's even a dirtier job than detasseling!

    Heading for bed folks. I got a new library book today (mystery) and am anxious to get started reading it.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  10. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I want a book to read!

    My MIL and I keep forgetting to trade off our books and now I'm out of reading material. Bad thing is, they were just here on Saturday and she had the books for me in her car and still we forgot to trade!

    I'll have to go through the shelves of Harlequin's that someone gave me and see if just maybe there'll be something maybe half way interesting to read. It could happen, right?????
  11. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Shoot, Sue!! My momma---she never waited till we got to the "Woodshed"----she took care of the job in the "wide open"----once in school--we had some "free time"---and us buddies started teasin' each other about our "mommas"----one dude looks at me and commented

    "Yo Momma wears Combat boots!!"

    All I could think was:

    "Dude! You just don't know, do ya????!!!"

    Sure, she wore Combat boots-----and she also went after the devil with an M-1 Gerand & a fixed bayonet---defending her kids----but would without hesitation use the "butt" end of that Gerand ON her kids!! Don't fool with momma!!!! :eek: :eek:

    Mercy---I miss my momma---and can hardly wait to see her and daddy!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Blackbird, I miss me pop...he and I didn't always have the best relationship, but, I know he tried to do what was right even after he messed up, as did I.
    Mom, well, she was just the glue that held the family together.

    Sue, my Momma probably has enough material on me to do a comedy routine and more! ;) I always though it was funny when she had to go through the whole list of kids names before she finally hit the right one! We'd break into tears from laughing so hard!
  13. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Didn't sleep so well last night....vertigo ya know! I'm still sort of "spinning" off an on. Ready to try and go back to bed soon. Talked to my preacher last night because I had missed Sunday...he said , "I don't know how you live with it"....to which I replied....."In circles...of course!" ;) I try to have a sense of humor about it.....I sort of count the attacks as "rounds" in a boxing match! Today, it may win a "TKO"!

    Ya'll have a great morning, and don't forget to tell someone about the Lord if'n ya get the chance!

  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Tony, I sympathize with you. I had an inner ear infection once and was so dizzy (for over a week) that I could NOT walk. Sometimes I couldn't even lift my head off the pillow!

    It is going to be a beautiful day after the rain yesterday. The sun is shining and the high for today is going to be 88º. I think the rain is gone until Saturday.

  15. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    AVL1984: "Blackbird, I miss me pop ... "

    Me too. He died half a life-time ago; it will be 30 years
    come the 31st of July. He was totally disabled in 1944
    at the borders of Germany (the official press was he
    was in Belgium, but he said they already penetrated Germany).
    So he died young (52) so that the world might be free from
    Adolf Hitler. He was 100% disabled. He lived in pain the
    last half of his life. He died of Lung Cancer. The source
    was so deep in scar tissue that the doctors could not find it.

    Half his left elbow was gone, pain every time he moved his arm.
    Half his stomach was gone, pain every time he ate.
    His spleen was gone (fortunately, this doesn't hurt).
    Half his left lung was gone - every breath was a pain.

    The person in the fox hole to his
    left was killed in action. (In fact, it was the bones of that
    man flying into Dad's body that caused most of the damage)
    IT is said he gave the supreme sacrifice for our liberty.
    Well at my house we gave next to the supreme sacrifice for our

    AVL1984: "Didn't sleep so well last night....vertigo
    ya know! I'm still sort of "spinning" off an on.//

    As always since we met you, we pray for you daily.
    'Disabled' is such a bummer :( So i pray God grants
    brother AVL1984 some good stuff today and for his family and for
    his ministry. Amen.
  16. Dan Todd

    Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I was blessed to have my dad's help here in the ministry in Canisteo. From the time we started the church in 1974 - he was always there - until the Lord took him home in February 2002.

    Mom is still there - but at 86 - we wonder how much longer before the Lord calls her home.

    Blessed - and blessed memories.

  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I finally managed to get some sleep but had a worriesome night! Ty's mother had called to chat and say she was going to start coming earlier since she's always late to work. A hair or something was on the far outside of my eyelid and I wiped it away. It caused some momentary pain and worried me since I'm not to rub my eye for 2 months. I called the doctor who proceeded to yell at me saying 'There's a certain spot where, if you apply pressure, you can pop open the incision since we don't use stitches and your eye will begin to leak and can collapse!' FREAKED ME OUT! I checked my eye several times before taking some Ibuprofen and getting to sleep.

    I had to call his office this morning to get a different time for my next recheck so it doesn't interfer with child care and the nurse said 'He's a nervous Nellie.' She said if one of them has a headache, he wants to order a CT Scan, telling them it's probably a brain tumor. She also said, yes, there has been instances of people pushing really hard, generally by a blow to the eye, where the incision would reopen but there'd be vision change, pain and plenty of warning signs before your eye ball would deflate. They had never seen such an occurence tho and the usual thing they see is someone rubbing their eye too soon and dislocating the lens. :rolleyes:

    My vision is still GREAT and all I feel is an occassional twinge like an eyelash in that eye. She said since it's been 16 hours since the 'rub' and I have no problems, I shouldn't worry at all. Whew!

    I have 4 kids plus Nick, today, but the Youth Ministers kids will be here until about 7:30. That's 14 hours today, Thursday and Friday. I've got some things out to entertain them later. There's a chance of an afternoon rain storm.
  18. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Okay Diane, you and I have both had our heart attacks for the week! Since things happen in 3's, I wonder who's next! :D ;) :eek:

    Things appear to be shaping up around here a bit. I called a different guy out yesterday to work on the heat pump, cause I was a bit aggravated at the first guy for not checking the coolant when he was here last week. Yesterday's guy agrees with the first guy that we'll be able to make it through the summer before the heat pump dies completely.

    I also called about getting the pool reinstalled and the estimate was less than I expected. Then I called the tree guy, who came out and gave me an estimate for about what I expected and made me an offer for the old pickup that has been sitting unused in the yard for a year! I really, really want it out of my yard so this would be great. Also, T had bought an old Kawasaki motorcycle a couple of years ago, intending to fix it up to ride. It's been sitting in the garage for all this time, cause of course T doesn't have time to work on stuff like that(I knew at the start but kept my mouth firmly shut). Last night he told me that one of the guys he works with wants it!!!!

    (Cindi does a little celebratory dance, cause the truck and the motorcycle have been in her way for two years.)

    By the time these two things are gone and the work is done on the yard and trees, I'll pretty much have the outside looking good. 'Bout time!

    Not sure just exactly what is on the list to do today. I need to vacuum and mop and then maybe I'll sew or go transplant some things that are planted in the wrong place. I have a beautiful rose(two actually) that need moving. Think I'll kill them if I move them now?
  19. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I was so ahead on my 'day' Cindi, when Ty decided to come in to use the bathroom and left his muddy (red clay) tennis shoes on .... tracking mud through the kitchen, living room, hallway and then he peed on the bathroom floor and wiped his muddy shoes on the bath rug. Got the bathroom floor cleaned and the rug in the bathroom in the wash to turn around and find MacKenzie coming in with HER dirty shoes on! I turned her around and walked her right outside to take off her shoes. They KNOW the rules!!

    They've painted and colored, had a good lunch and now MacKenzie and Brayden are down for a nap. They nap at home right after lunch so I keep to their schedule. Ty naps here at 2:00 ish. That gives MacKenzie about 1 1/2 hours to fall alseep and nap.

    Only Ty during the day tomorrow and Max after school so hopefully I can get a lot done. I've sure got a lot of ironing to do! I didn't do it Sunday night as usual. I went to be early.

  20. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Son drove here from Boise on Sunday, worked in Casper the whole day Monday, then held a seminar until 11 am and just took off back the 12-hours home. Being a co-owner of your own start-up business is not for sissies.

    He got in at 11 pm last night and I was up typing. About 30 minutes later he came up from the basement and said the sewers had back up thru the shower drain, overflowing the toilet and where was the wet/dry vac.

    It took about an hour to unplug the toilet, sop up water, clean up with hot soapy water the basement kitchen/bath area. Our pipes will never be the same . . .

    So a short night had by all . . but no toilet back up this morning. God is good!!