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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    [​IMG] padre [​IMG]

    Brent said tonight, "Grandma, I'm a man now, I've broken a bone". :eek:

    I told him I broke my foot, in fourth grade, playing hopscotch, then broke the cast playing football and had to have another one put on, but it didn't make ME a man. :rolleyes:

    His appointment with the bone specialist is at 8:40 in the morning.

    We're going to bed early. He didn't get much rest last night OR today. I thought the Tylenol with Codeine, plus the Motrin, would make him drowsy, but it hasn't.

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue [​IMG]
  2. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    Well, I guess I am not a man either!! I am so sorry Brent broke his arm. He seens like a delightful little fella.
  3. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    6th grade

    Remember it like yesterday!

    Church Boys Sunday School Pool Party!

    No girls allowed!

    Having fun!


    Fell off of pool slide while decending!

    Onto concrete below!

    Broke arm!

    Could have been worse!

    Don't know how, though!

    It hurt!!

    Daddy took me to hospital!

    Momma was in car with us!

    Momma cryin' all the way there!

    My son! My son!

    Blackbird is thinkiin'--"Hush momma! Hush momma!"


    Doctor report!

    Set arm in plaster cast!

    Ice Cream on the way home!
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Brent is still sleeping so he must have had a good night. I told him to wake me if he was having pain, but he didn't.

    He has yet to shed a tear over any of this, but he DID say he hoped they didn't take more X-rays this morning because it really hurt when they took them right after he broke his arm.

    I will check in when we get back from the 'bone doctor'...
  5. padredurand

    padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Well blackbird, there may be some of your fellow posters that think you hit your head :D

    When somebody breaks a body part girls are supposed to say "Oh, poor baby." and boys are supposed to say, "Cool." It's in the instruction book somewhere.

    For all of you that enjoyed your full-contact childhood and for your momma's ulcers I tip my glass of iced tea (no sugar I'm a barbarian).
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I think MY Mama got HER ulcers when she looked out the window and saw me sliding down my school's flagpole - from the third story! :eek:

    I'll take my iced tea with sugar please. :D
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well I never broke a bone except a little toe, carrying a baby around the house, walking barefoot and kicked the end of a piece of furniture. Our daughter broke her wrist sitting on a skateboard in our driveway. It was steep, the board started to roll and she put her hand down to stop. Flipped her right over! Just a hairline fracture tho.

    I'm over protective. Our Jon (28) got a new car this week. It's a 2001 Mustang. He took a friend, after working all night, to pick up HIS new car so the fella could head home to Oklahoma for the long weekend. I called to check on Jon because he works 12 hour nights and is working overtime all this weekend. He teases me. He says as a child, since I walked them to school but would stand at the Post Office by the school and wave until he went inside that he always thought I stood there all day, in deep snow, pouring rain, etc., waiting for him to come out 8 hours later. [​IMG] What a mother I am, eh? LOLOL

    BUSY, BUSY, BUSY Day here! I was too exhausted to get up all the sand last night or begin my cleaning so I've got a lot to do today. It's supposed to be 90° and if it does seem to be getting hot, I'll close up and turn on the air for the afternoon. We'll see.

  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    We're baaaaaaaaaaaaack.

    Doctor said it was a bad break, but because of where he broke it, he didn't want a cast on there for the next three weeks or the bones might fuse together wrong and Brent wouldn't be able to move his arm. They would then have to do surgery, rebreak it, and put a pin in it.

    Right now, he has him in a splint only, but with stern warnings not to pick anything up or move that arm! After a week, he is to do some gentle exercises with his hand twice a day. He goes back to the doctor in two weeks for more X-rays.

    We bought groceries for our cook-out on the 4th. What a difference shopping makes when Brent can't help carry anything in the house!!!

    §ue (putting groceries away all by herself) :rolleyes:
  9. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    My family feels for you, Sue. I can only carry what goes in one hand, and it will be like that for a while. So I'm feelin' for him.

    Is Brent's arm swollen at all? My lower arm and hand are a little due to the surgery. Can't completely close my fist.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, Debby.

    His arm is swollen around the elbow, but nothing like it was! It looked like a ping pong ball right after he did it.

    He is still taking Tylenol 3 for the pain. It kind of comes and goes.
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Wow! Poor Guy! May I suggest???? Can you start some reading for school or any subject where he wouldn't need to 'write'? He can't even play video games!

    We generally start our home schooling on Aug. 1st because it's so hot here that we can't spend time outside during most of the day. May end up doing some in July this year! It was 93° with a heat index of 97° earlier. There's a BIG band of rain over by Cindi so hope she's getting a nice soaking and that it's cooled down for her.

    I closed up the house about an hour ago and turned the central air on 78°. It was 86° in the house but the humdity is awful! I've been trying to clean the house and was sweating so badly!

    Jon is in LOVE with his new car! He got it for no money down! Traded in his 1993 Grand Marquis that was falling apart! He got a 2001 Mustang GT with Cobra rims. [​IMG]
    CLICK here to see Jon's car parked in front of my house. Enlarges.
  12. Debby in Philly

    Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Classy wheels.

    You folks won't believe this town today! It's like 10 circuses are coming to town. In case you haven't heard, in addition to hosting the official birthday party for our country, like always (Philly takes the Fourth VERY seriously), we've got this Live 8 thing in town tomorrow. The Christian band Jars of Clay is supposed to be taking part. Well, bless 'em, but I won't be down here. Not with my arm and so much to do for VBS.
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well Debby, don't let anyone bump that arm!! OUCH

    I turned on the air almost 3 hours ago and now the temp outside is 71° but inside never got lower than 84°.
  14. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Nice Wheels!!
  15. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh dear! I turned on the air at 2 ish and the house never cooled down. The compressor never kicked on outside. I've checked the breakers and they're fine. We do have a system on our air where the electric company can cut power to our central air during brown outs. The give us a big credit on our bill if they do. It's not supposed to last for more than an hour at a time and not be a full cut off. Jim'll check it when he finally gets in but gosh was it HOT! (House is 6 years old YESTERDAY)
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Are you sure you have the air on Diane and not just the fan?

    I'm asking because I have done that before. :rolleyes:
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Yep, Sue. It's a thermostat on the wall that has heat/ Off/ cool and then auto/ fan. I've turned the thermostat to 60° and left it for about 30 mins. and the outside compressor hasn't kicked on. There's a dead bird and some leaves on the blades that haven't been disturbed so I know it never came on today. The compressor is by the sandbox and I wonder if one of the kids kicked a wire loose. Jim'll fix it. He always does. Our wholehouse fan keeps shutting off so he bought a new switch to put in this weekend.
  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I went out to the unit and pulled the emergency breaker in case it had come loose. The energy saver device is lit up and it takes 5 mins. for it to reset after a loss of energy so maybe ....

    It sure got hot here tho! We've only used the unit a few weeks a year and not all day and night.
  19. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Oh Well.... it didn't work. It's still much hotter in the house than outside! We never did get any of the storms all around here. :( According to radar images, the storms, heavy storms, are just blocks away!
  20. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well, on the one day that we DIDN'T want rain, it rained!

    T was just about to get through grading the old pool area when it started. By the time it stopped raining, that area was too wet to work in. We gave it a couple of hours and went grocery shopping, but it was still too wet when we got back. So instead he worked the rough places in the yard and spread the dirt that came from the pool area around the play place.

    All in all we probably got 95% of what we wanted/needed done, finished. There is just a little bit on one end of the pool area that needed a bit more dirt moved. The pool people will take care of that as it is where the pool will go. The other stuff was what we wanted done so that the backyard looks a little nicer and not so many humps and bumps.

    Gotta go buy grass seed! There wasn't any real grass on most of this part of the yard. The dirt we dug out from around the pool is good dirt and should grow some grass, unlike the the hard as a rock clay that was there before. It'll be nice not to have to mow across the dustbowl anymore!

    Yesterday's trip to the lake did include a dip in the lake for the kids. I didn't take my suit because I was afraid the water would still be to cold and because I was going to work not play. Dad has really been working to hard trying to get moved into the new trailer without air conditioning. He was worn out, so I sent him with the kids after a while and I finished the bit of carpet that still needed cleaning. The kids did their part by scrubbing the bathrooms. Then we had to leave in time to make it home for karate and Dad worked another 3-4 hours! :eek: Stubborn man! He wanted to get finished to he could move the furninture in from the old trailer. He got a helper and did that today, so he should be all fixed up now.

    I'm very tired now and think that my bed is looking awfullly inviting! It is thundering just enough to make it good sleeping weather....