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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Not ONE drop of rain here Cindi and yet our radar showed it storming! Seems like I-20 is some buffer zone for the rain. I see by the radar that Gayla is just about to get MORE rain! Growing big skeeters, eh Gayla?

    Jim got home too late to check the air conditioner but the compressor never came on. Tomorrow is going to be in the 90's again too. If it's broken, we don't have money for a service call so........ Looks like we're going to have a hot summer here!

    Well thankfully our long weekend has arrived! I know Jim's glad! I don't have children to keep until the 3 on Tuesday at 10:15 and then none on Wed., Ty on Thursday at 7:45 and all of them Friday but not until 7:45. It should be an easy week. Hope it's not terribly hot!

    Well the heat really took it out of me and I'm so very tired tonight. Not sure how much longer I'll be awake!

  2. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Let's see, the last time our compressor didn't come on, it was a 'transformer' or some such thing that lightening had gotten too. Took all of 10 minutes and $100.00 to get fixed. Almost seems like it had to be done twice, but one visit may have been for something different. We had 3 service calls this spring. 2 in one month! The last one was for general cleaning and a coolant recharge on both cooling systems. (we have an upstairs unit and a downstairs unit)

    We get to replace our downstairs unit sometime before it gets really cold. Something else to spend money on.....

    Evidently, we're growing big skeeters here too. I went out this evening to cut some grass for the guinea pigs and in the five minutes it took to cut it I ended up with at least a half dozen bites. Whatever the city is spraying, it isn't working!

    We've had a couple of more showers here this evening. At least I didn't have to water the flowers!
  3. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    We really never use our unit so I'm wondering if it could have gotten hit by lightening. Last year it didn't want to 'start' and I called the people who have the energy saver on it and the man 'tested it'. It worked when he finished yet he found nothing wrong. There's an 800 number so I'll let Jim try and then call on Tuesday if necessary. That's a FREE service call.
  4. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Another idea, Diane, I discovered not long back that our units have their own personal breaker box that is located outside the house in the general area where the units are. They have breakers in the main box as well.

    I know so much about these things ;) , but I think the outside ones are merely safety breakers so the repairguy doesn't have to come into the house. He can just turn the power off there. You might check and see if your's is similar and if one of them has gotten turned off.

    You know it is not possible for things to break down when it isn't a holiday or a weekend.....
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Yep, I knew about that one and twice, pulled the breaker and replaced it. It's a large one that pulls out/ plugs in. No change. I bet it's something simple. Jim's repaired my gas oven 3 times and my washer a number of times. Water water everywhere and it's just a tiny hole in a tiny tube. He's a very handy man. ;)
  6. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I really did have water everywhere when my old washer gave up the ghost! Flooded my entire laundry pile. I was lucky I came in when I did and found it. If I'd had turned it on and left for the day, like I do sometimes, we'd have had major repair work to do.

    I lost the main seal under the tub.

    Men can be handy to have around. My FIL used to do stuff like that. Good thing I paid attention, cause now I'm the fix it guy. I don't have time to wait for T to get around to it. He hates doing stuff like that anyway, and I hate standing there handing him the tools! :rolleyes:
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Well tomorrow Jim's going to replace the switch on our whole house fan, cut the grass and try to fix the a/c. He'll also vacuum the two flights of stairs for me. I slipped once, trying to haul the Electrolux and vac them and he's done it ever since. He helps me make the bed as soon as we get up and always carries his dirty clothes to the laundry. If he gets up to go grab something in the kitchen, he'll pick up any ice cream bowls or empty glasses and take them when he goes. He scrubs the showers for me too and even takes the plastic strip off the bottom of the glass door and soaks it in chlorox. He's a hard working man and quite a keeper.
  8. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Wow, Diane! You've got it made!

    Dale offers to help me with things like that, but there's no way I would let him do them after he's worked 50-60 hours a week. I would feel WAY too guilty. [​IMG]

    As long as I can walk (and I'm not doing that too well right now) the housework is all mine. I wouldn't even consider letting Dale do any of it. :eek:

    Sometimes, between home schooling, doing a paper route, and the school crossing, all the housework doesn't get done, but I would rather it be a little messy for a day or so than let Dale do it. (I was always like that when I had four little ones around too). ;)

    I've stayed up past my bedtime, but I'm getting sleepy now.

    Good night all and pleasant dreams!
    §ue [​IMG]
  9. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    HELLO, I don't usually post here anymore, I don't spend a lot of time on the BB to post everywhere I'd like too, way too much here to do do.
    Ok, tonight we gat a call to the hospital, Pam is in labor, but they said the pains were too erratic, and it was going to be a long time she could go home if she wanted too. So we all came home.
    So here we are waiting, don't know if i want to got to bed or not. Taylor will arrive by the end of the weekend, we hope anyway.

    Boy, wish some one would do my hosue work for me. But Robert works hard and comes in hot and tired, he works in the heat and I wouldn't want him to be doing house work, especially since I am at home and don't work outside the house. Thats my job as his wife, being a keeper of the home means I stay here and keep our home.

    Well, I'm off to something else, and I'll be back to let everyone when I am a grandmother.
  10. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    donnA-----Grand ma-ma???? Your life is changed forever!!!

    Menagerie----T has much to learn----get him a crash course from Bob Vila for Christmas!!! Those washing machines do break down, you know!! My Father in law has about 6 washing machines spread out around his 7 acre plot around his house----when we need a part for the washer---we tell him what we need----and BINGO!!!!
  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Oh, Donna! That's exciting news! You might end up with a little 'firecracker'. :D

    Good morning all:

    It is going to be a pleasant day. It is only 55º right now with an expected high of 85º. I can live with that. :cool:

    The town is having an 'old-car' cruise in today and we would like to go. But, I hate to get around a crowd for fear of having my toe stepped on or Brent's arm bumped into. So, I'm not sure what we'll do.

    Dale may lay out the fence and mark for post holes today since it's not going to be so very hot. He has lost his helpers (Brent and I). :(

    §ue [​IMG]
  12. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Morning all, Hope all goes quick for Pam, Donna. Is Taylor a boy or girl? We've got kids at church, both boys and girls, that are Taylors and Baileys. [​IMG]

    Well Jim has always helped around the house since we were first married. His mother didn't clean at all and he always kept their bathroom cleaned and did his own laundry (he only does our shower now tho) and neither of us would ever let our bed go unmade for even the day so if we get up at the same time, he grabs the sheets on one side and me the other. I NEVER have had to ask him to carry out the trash. He says being a parent and housework is 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Like I said, he's a keeper.

    Hey Blackbird, don't know where I can get new racks for my dishwasher? They've rusted!! The coated plastic came of in a few spots. It was top of the line too. 6 years and 2 days old.

    I found out, by accident yesterday, that Jim nor Jon will ever have to pay for their drivers license again. Veterans! Both of theirs won't even need renewing until they're 65! Can you imagine Jon's picture 37 years from now! LOL
  13. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Hope the afternoon storms hold off until Cindi and T can get their chores finished! It's only 85° so far here. Not bad at all. There's quite a breeze. Of course, if I'd lose 15 lbs, the heat wouldn't bother me so much. Dr. says it's menopause. I say it's eating only at night. I'm never hungry til supper time tho.

    Jim and Nick are out buying fireworks and a shower curtain. LOL! This is the first year fireworks are legal in Georgia. We were one of the families who would't cross the state line and buy them. Now they're for sale in the Wal-Mart parking lot under giant tents.

    I still have some floors to scrub and two rooms to vacuum. It's hard not being able to clean well during the week when we really like a clean house but all the kids.... LOL! Brayden loves to throw food. He thinks he's sharing or feeding the cat. Yeah... like Patches is going to eat green beans and Cheerios.
  14. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Noon and still waiting.
    Taylor is a girl,
    Taylor-Ann Deseriee
  15. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    It wont be long, Donna. I know it seems like forever, but you will soon be holding that precious sweetie in your arms!!
  16. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Cindi and T ain't doing much outside till this evening. T is supposed to take the kids to see War of the World. I've got to go buy rakes and grass seed so we can smooth out the remaining lumps and clumps and get some grass to growing. Don't want a muddy yard!

    Before I can really do anything I have to let the sun dry the yard out a bit. It is really soggy out there right now.

    Fireworks are on our list of things to do today too.

    Congratulations Donna! The last bit of waiting is always the worst.
  17. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Cindi, Jim and Nick got a big supply of fireworks and Nick's about to go crazy! He's fired off a box of sparklers and 2 'Lightning Flash'. He had a box of those snappers too. He'll go crazy by the 4th.

    It's sort of overcast here which is GREAT for us. We didn't get the compressor started but did get our electric bill! We used 823 kwh last month and the bill was pennies under $80.00. My dryer is smaller and I tend to overstuff it I think. It takes a long time to dry things.
  18. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Laundry is done and put away. Kitchen is clean. Flag cake is cooling so I can decorate it for Monday and I have a nagging headache.

    I went off my HRT a couple of days ago. I don't know if that's causing it or the cup of green tea I drank before bed last night (first time ever). :confused:

    I am going to take some aspirin and sit in the recliner for a while. If I can doze off for 15-20 minutes maybe by head will feel better...
  19. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Diane, add $180 to your bill and that is what mine is every month! We had ours "levelized" so it would be a set amount each month. It makes it easier to budget for when it is the same amount each time.

    Sue, I've had a headache lately too. I think it is just the heat and humidity.
  20. computerjunkie

    computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Thoroughly enjoying the long weekend! So far, since yesterday, I've gotten my hair cut and colored, a manicure and pedicure, a mammogram, groceries, gas in my car, a renewal lease signed for my apartment, and a new firewall/anti-virus installed (and tweaked) on my computer!

    Now I'm going to relax for awhile and watch Lonesome Dove (Hallmark Channel).

    Hope everyone has a great 4th of July weekend...and hope Taylor gets here soon, Donna!
