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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Aug 26, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thank you, Jim. Sometimes I need reminding too.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  2. computerjunkie

    computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    So am I the only one around today? :eek:

    I was off Friday, and have thoroughly enjoyed the 4-day weekend! I bought a new computer, so have spent most of yesterday afternoon and today getting it set up correctly. Wow...they have so much junk pre-loaded. took quite awhile to uninstall the junk, and add what I wanted. But I think it's finally in good enough working order to stop tinkering with it for awhile!

    Have to go back to work tomorrow, so am trying to do all the stuff I should have done WAY before now...like laundry! :(
  3. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Hi, CJ. It seems that everyone is busy today.

    Sue is surfing the internet looking for people who are on a safe list to notify relatives. She looks for one person a day, but has to look through many lists.

    We had a small picnic on our patio.

    All is quiet here.
  4. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Evening all:

    It was a busy, but sadly, unproductive day. I hate when that happens!

    Brent should be back from Wisconsin between 10:30 and 11:00 tonight so I am going to try and doze in the recliner until he gets here.

    It's back to work and school tomorrow.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  5. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    I pretty much stuck to my plans today and didn't accomplish much of anything. I did take a shower, even though it wasn't on the agenda. Everyone was glad I did.
  6. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Had a lazy Labor Day around here, too.
  7. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sorry...off topic for a minute..."Falls Creek" is the name of a manuscript I'm working on! ;)

    Now...back on subject! [​IMG]
  8. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Praising God this morning about TaterTot. Still praying for Blackbird, though. If I can be of any help in finding him, please, let me know. I'll do what I can.

    This morning is cooler, 68 degrees. The humidity is higher though as is the barometric pressure.

    Sunday services were great. We had an EXCELLENT Sunday School lesson and I can see the unity in our church. I pray it continues and we continue to grow as we go out and witness and try to help meet the needs of the community. Bro. Monty preached a SUPER sermon, and the Lord really gave him liberty to preach. I haven't seen that liberty upon him in a long time. Praise the Lord!

    We had a great fellowship afterwards, a cookout and buffet and just a great time talking about the Lord and plans for the church. The three preachers, of which I am one, and our wives and the music leader were all talking until after 4pm and had some really great ideas, prayer and just felt the peace of the Lord come over us about the direction HE wanted us to go! GOD IS SO GOOD! [​IMG] Amen?

    Viv and I mowed yesterday around the house with the push mower. The riding mower is now in the shop at the Co-Op in Shelbyville and we're looking forward to it being fixed! We took it in the van, which broke down four times on the way down and back. So, we know the van has to be fixed and sold. We're looking for an older pickup that has air conditioning and an automatic transmission. Please pray the Lord will provide one for us. We truly DO need it.

    God bless ya'll and give you a wonderful day! [​IMG]

  9. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning Tony and all:

    I was about to start a search for YOU! Glad you had a great Sunday and that your riding mower will finally be fixed.

    Brent made it home from Wisconsin around 10:30 last night and was SO tired, we went straight to bed. I think I will let him sleep until he wakes up this morning. It was a busy week end for him.

    My sis and her hubby are celebrating 57 years of marriage today. She turned 75 this year. I will be calling her later.

    Time to make coffee,
  10. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning everyone!

    Fall allergies have struck in force at this household! I don't have allergies and I am draining and have a sore throat. Everyone else is worse so I am not complaining.

    With everyone suffering so much I need to move the guinea pigs back upstairs to their room. For the most part they don't bother us, but the hay they eat added to the ragweed that's blooming is just to much. I have the idea that the hay and bedding being right in the living room with us is part of the reason I can't get Son's migraines completely under control.

    Right now the guinea pig room is being used to store all the stuff T brought home when he changed offices, so I have to rearrange it before the cages will fit. That'll take most of the morning. Then I have a dust ruffle, pillow shams and a table cloth to make for a customer. Then I have to go to the doctor! Ya'll won't see much of me today.

    I'm thrilled that Tater Tot is okay and still praying for Blackbird.

    Thanks for the rice crispies, see ya later!
  11. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sue, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not planning on going anywhere. Sent you an email......

  12. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Got it, thanks, Tony.

    Evening all:

    It has been rather hectic around here today and I am tired as usual and turning in early.

    I send Brent to bed earlier during the school year than I do in the summer, and it seems like once he's in bed, I'm ready for some sleep too!

    Still haven't located Blackbird and his family, but I'm not giving up! :(

    Pleasant dreams all.
    §ue [​IMG]
  13. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Blackbird and family are all fine! PRAISE THE LORD!

    They have water and electric but no phone.

    They have downed trees and power lines but were only without water, etc. for 4 days. The hurricane hit them pretty hard.

  14. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    That's good to hear!!!
  15. Gayla

    Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Tony, glad things are going well with the Church.

    Menagerie, the guinea pigs have their own room?? They must be spoiled critters! ;)

    I'll be going in the morning for the first of ten radiation treatments. Let's pray that they will take care of it. The thought of chemo again makes me sick!!
  16. computerjunkie

    computerjunkie New Member

    Jul 5, 2003
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    Praise the Lord Blackbird and family are safe as are TaterTot and family! Thanks for keeping us updated, Sue. I have prayed for them often during the past week.

    Gayla, will be praying your radiation treatments will be enough and that you don't have to go through chemo again.
  17. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Great news about Blackbird. Is all of our BB family accounted for now?
  18. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Praise the Lord for answered prayer concerning Bro. blackbird! [​IMG] God is GOOD...ALL THE TIME! Amen? ;)

    It's really foggy here this morning and a bit cooler! I'm glad of that. It's supposed to get upwards to 90 today, but I don't mind. I'll be inside most of the day because of the pollen counts.

    Gayla we are praying for your radiation treatments as well.

    I'm really looking forward to tonight at church. Though we are currently meeting in a home on Wednesday night and another on Sunday, it is still a blessing to be with a group of loving, caring individuals, ready and willing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ! It's EXCITING to be a part of a new work, A LIGHTHOUSE in the community! Many have been coming to visit and we're looking for more to come tonight.

    If anyone's interested, the church's website is: Faith Community Church of Christiana, TN We are planning on a "Fall Festival" to take the place of Halloween this year, and we're hoping to have a good number of children and adults from the area to come.

    Will be praying for all of ya'll today. Be good, be kind, be careful. [​IMG]

  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I believe so, Watchman.

    Gayla: Am praying for you this morning.

    Tony: Our church has had a 'Fall Festival' for years and it is VERY well attended. Quite some time ago, everyone dressed up as Biblical characters. That was fun, but I don't believe they do that anymore.

    Good morning all:

    It is cool here this morning, but muggy. We may get some rain tonight and tomorrow. Good chance to see if the roof still leaks. :eek: [​IMG] :rolleyes:

    Time to wake Brent up, feed him breakfast, and head for 'the corner'.

    Have a great day everyone!
    §ue [​IMG]
  20. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning and Praise the Lord that Blackbird is fine!

    Gayla, there's not a single spoiled creature in this house. ;) Okay, maybe just a little! In this case though, the guinea pig room in a room size closet that the previous owners installed to make use of some of the room that is going to waste in the attic. It is only about 6 foot wide, but is 20 foot long. It has lights and airconditioning and everything. We had to put them up there because one of the dogs enjoyed trying to kill them. :eek: Most of the time we leave the door open so they can still hear the house noise and the veggie bags rattle(their favorite noise).

    I'm praying that your chemo goes well this morning and we can have another PTL this pm when you get home.

    I'm having a bit of a hassle going on this morning getting proper doctor's excuses for Precious, and she needs medicine that I have to take to her but Son is home with a migraine and sound asleep. And I have sewing to get done. I need ya'll to pray that all this will resolve itself. It's going to be one of those days.....