We see Saul commit two sins in the name of thought and intent. 1) He did not wait on Samuel to offer the sacrifice but stepped into the order of the priesthood and did it himself.(good intentions) (I Sam 13:8-10) 2) He had been told to utterly destroy Amalek and all that pertained unto him, yet Saul justified himself and blamed the people for bringing back the cattle to sacrifice unto the Lord (good intentions). (I Sam 15:3-23) In HIS thoughts and intents he sinned. This is a warning to us to beware in following/justifying our own thoughts and intents in thinking we are serving the Lord when in fact it will be rebellion if not according to the scriptures. I have heard of a church that "spiritualized away" the need to meet and each member went their own way thus destroying a body of Christ. (good intentions) We would say that the church that used coke and potato chips for communion erred. They, like Saul, did not wait on the Lord and offered a sacrifice contrary to the scriptures. We are told to wait on the Lord and believe He WILL provide.
How can coke or gator aid even remotely represent the blood of Christ or potato chips or cake his sinless body? Christ has given us an example by which we are to bring Him and his work into remembrance. The old testament sacrifices, though types shadows, were representative of Christ and His kingdom. They would never offer a swine's blood or a camel's body upon the altar because they could not represent the perfect sacrifice of Christ and his work to bring in his kingdom even if they thought they could spiritualize them to mean so. What freedom do you think we have to use coke or potato chips? Israel as a covenant nation thought they were a light to the nations, and that they did the will of the Lord, but the prophets told them they were blind, in darkness, and perverted THE NAME of the Lord. History shows us that the thoughts and intents of the catholics have caused them to slaughter the Baptists thinking they did the will of the Lord. It is by the same thoughts and intentions that some so-called Baptists have women standing in their pulpits. Try the spirits (thoughts and intentions) whether they be of God. (I Jn 4:1)
We in now wise believe in the trans-substantiation of the catholics. However, we do believe that Christ came to bring in His kingdom and that, by His perfect sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection. A kingdom has commandments (covenant) whereby order is kept, and so also does the kingdom of God. The Baptist believe there are two ordinances. The definition of ordinance is an authoritative rule or law, a decree or command. Should they be named something else so the definition will allow them to be optional? A covenant, especially in the sense of a marriage covenant, outlines what each party will do. The ordinances are part of the covenant and cannot be changed nor deleted. In Jer 11:6, Jeremiah by the spirit of Christ in him says, "Hear ye the words of this covenant and do them." We are told to not be hears only but doers Again I ask, why would Christ give his people a command (ordinance, words of the covenant), tell them to keep them then not expect them to keep them. This is hypocracy. Why give them in the first place if they are not necessary. They are not optional even as the commission/charge/command in Mt 28:20 is not optional. The ordinances are not for salvation but are part of the work of the sons of God, already made alive by the spirit of Christ, thereby are enabled to walk in them/observe them/keep them.. (Eze 36:26-30, Eph 2:6-10) James 1:22 says, "But be ye doers of the word (covenant), and not just hearers, deceiving yourselves." Are keeping the ordinances, which are part of the covenant, included in being a doer?" Absolutely, or you are going to have to throw away all the statutes, precepts and judgments. It is not a pick or choose by the option of men. Is not loving the Lord being obedient to Him and His word/covenant/ordinances and in doing so we are called faithful servants. The ordinances can only kept by his people as a body of Christ. There is no scriptural authority for an individual keep the ordinances, to baptize himself or take the Lord's supper, apart from the church, the body of Christ. Is the command to love the brethren not accomplished in part in the gathering together of the body to observe the baptism and the Lord's supper (part of keeping covenant) so his people may be faithful, obedient and rejoice in what Christ has done for them? Deuteronomy 7:9 says, "Know therefore that the Lord thy God, He is God, the faithful God, which keepeth mercy with them that love him AND keep his commandments (covenant) to a thousand generations." We see Christ repeat this in John 14:15,21. Only the body of Christ can keep covenant with the Lord to a thousand (never ending, eternal) generations. The thousand generations shows the eternal perpetuity of the body of Christ, the kingdom of God Christ tells Israel in Isa. 28:15-18 that they had made a covenant with death. What covenant are you keeping and how?
The word name means a definite conspicuous position indicating power, authority, honor and character. He is the savior of the body and the head of the church, this is part of his name in showing his power and authority, thus, THE NAME of Christ. We are not just believing that there was a historical man named and is name was Jesus, but because of his name (Isa 9:6 for example) we see the hope of salvation for His people. This is why his name is greater than any other and that in His name only can men be saved. He is king of king and lord of lord and this shows in the name on which we believe ALONG WITH the brethren and therefore loving them. In believing in Him and on THE NAME, we then also believe on the work of his hands and the will of the Father. Do you believe Christ and his oath when said in Mt 16:18..upon this rock I WILL build my church (as a calling out and gathering together as prophesied) and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it? Is this not part on believing on the name? Is this not accomplished by his definite conspicuous position (the son of God, king of kings, lord of lords) indicating power, authority, honor and character. You cannot separate the name from the meaning because they are the same. In believing in His name we therefore believe that He is that prophet foretold by Moses to which he gave command, "...unto Him shall ye hearken (hear AND do the word of His covenant)." To believe on also means to have confidence or faith in. Does not believing on His name (revealed in/by the covenant by which he reveals himself (the name) TO THE CHURCH) Eph 3:10) also require believing the words of the covenant and doing them? This is loving the Lord and the brethren inside the covenant.