You asked how the children of Israel could make wine in the wilderness. The question would seem to indicate that you think that they had no access to grapes in order to make wine. Wine grows in what is often hilly and arid land. The children of Isreal in their travels would go thru many lands with both prepared vineyards and wild grapes therefore no shortage of grapes to make wine and since grapes will ferment on their own, no shortage of wine. What the Lord commands he also provides.
Did you ever find a sinner Being pointed to the wedding for salvation ?
Did you ever find the element of the Lord’s supper identified as wine ?
The Saviour does not use oinos, the usual word for wine, but adopts the phrase "genneematos tees ampelou," "this fruit of the vine."
Was it because oinos was a generic word, including the juice of the grape in all its stages, that he chose a more specific phrase?
Was it because he had previously selected the vine as the illustration of himself as the true vine, and his disciples as the fruit bearing branches, and the juice as "the pure blood of the grape"? (Deut. 32:14.)
The Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 10:15, not only avoids the word oinos (wine), but calls the liquid used "the cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?"
And in 11:25 he quotes the exact words of Christ, "This cup is the New Testament in my blood."
The word oinos is specifically Not used......for a reason.