Yep, it was all explained in the past to you.
But your clinging to “corporate” view prevents you from embracing the most conservatively clear teaching of Scripture.
It isn’t me who rejected the Scripture and as the faithful have witnessed to you abundantly you are without excuse.
Well goodness what are you so upset about the man has humility in that he doesn't believe that God has individual favorites. While you do in your particular election.
Then you might say God is no respecter of persons but you know better don't you. Is God confused when He commands that all men every where to repent. Act 17:30
I mean how can all men repent unless repentance has been granted to all men. I would think that If God commanded all men to repent that would blow individual election out of the water. Since individual election isn't in scripture who needs it?
Do you believe God is going to run out of room in heaven if everyone is saved.?