This thread more than any other in seven years is a landmark for why I am a Baptist and not a Presbyterian. Creeds and confessions are the focal point. It is one thing for a local Baptist church to come up with a Constitution or bylaws that bind a congregation together in a few simple statements that are Scriptural, but quite another for a creed or confession written by a man to transcend denominations and be repeated as part of the Sunday worship every Sunday, either parroted or chanted. The time spent is meaningless. As mentioned earlier, from the Apostles Creed, "I believe in the communion of saints." That is not a belief, it is a fact. "I believe in the holy catholic church." This does not refer to the RCC, but to what we call the universal church, a useless entity on this earth. God's mission is carried out by the local church. Take any creed written by man, that is chanted Sunday after Sunday, and it becomes quite obvious ten minutes of every service is wasted.
I am a Baptist and not a Presbyterian because infant baptism has no validity. The last few verses of Matthew make this quite clear, and requires no further explanation.
I am a Baptist and not a Presbyterian because Scripture does not teach that a waiting period, communicant's class, indocrination, a signed copy of a contract, or other such man made device have anything to do with joining a church. "They were received the same day," Luke says. And quite frankly, I want the congregation voting on my worthiness to join a church, not a collection of white, elderly men who own businesses or are doctors and lawyers deciding whether or not I fit in.
I am a Baptist and not a Presbyterian because I refuse to serve in a church that has a hierarchy. No presbyery, group of bishops, cardinals, or whatever is going to tell the church I serve in who we can call as pastor, what we do with our budget, how we manage our buildings, or what ministires we support. That is up to the local church. Levels of government above the local church are not needed, and the salaries people get paid at those levels produce nothing.
I am a Baptist and not a Presbyterian because I refuse to serve in a church that is govened by a collection of elders that were elected on the basis of social status instead of spiritual maturity. Someone like this is going to decide who is to be a member????
Most of all, I am a Baptist because it lets the Holy Spirit lead me and not church doctrine. If all of you theological geniuses on this board were Presbyterians, there would be no Calvinism debates.
If these issues spark your imagination, no doubt there is a Presbyterian church down the street for you to join.