New Member
The Lord gives us all the revelation we need in the Bible. It is one thing for a local church to make a bylaw, Constitution, or confession, whatever you want to call it, to bind members together with common beliefs. However, when one takes a man made creed, like the Apostles Creed for example, that transcends not only denominations, but is added to a worship service weekly, it takes time and wording that could as easily have been read from Scrpiture. When man tries to substitute a document for Scripture, nothing meaningful is accomplished. In the Apostles Creed, one of the statements is "I believe in the communion of saints." How does one believe in the communion of saints? That is a fact, not a belief. Believers want to be around and fellowship with other believers. It also states "I believe in the holy catholic church." While this does not refer to the RCC, it does refer to a universal church, that has no purpose here on earth. The local church carries out God's work. The creed goes on to state "I believe in the forgivenss of sins, and the life everlasting." The time spent parroting or chanting these phrases every week could have been replaced by reading applicable portions of Scripture.lead you how? lead you to what? He has not lead other men and teachers in church history?
Yes the Lord has lead other men in church history, but I do not expect everyone of them to produce a document as an outline for Sunday service when the Bible is what we need.