We don't call ourseleves Plymouth Brethren but the people call us so.
We call ourselves as Believers in Jesus Christ because Bible denies any denomination, even the denomination Catholic etc.
Subjugators of women?
Keep them silent?
Nope ! we just follow what is taught by the Bible. Are you claiming Paul was a subjugator of women ?
Read 1 Corinthians 14:34-35
Barefoot and pregnant as well?
Groundless accusation. Where did you find such church where women go on barefoot? YOu are just revealing you are the groundless false accuser of the true believers!
I visited a churc in Lousiana where the pughs were on different levels. The men sat elevated above women and children. Signifying their superiority over woman and child.
There is no differentiation like that ! It's another groundless accusation.
you sound very much cultish accuser !
the primary importance of the weekly communion service
the communion is not led or administered by a single individual
the freedom and the responsibility for men to vocally participate in services
the silence of women (whose heads must be covered during meetings of the local church) in most Plymouth Brethren assemblies
the importance of preaching the gospel
the importance of generous giving
the rejection of a separation of believers into clergy and laity classes
the plurality of leadership (usually as elders and deacons) as opposed to an ordained, professional clergy class. Exclusives do not appoint elders or deacons
Are the following Bible Cultish ?
1 Cor 14:34-35
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: forit is a shame for women to speak in the church
1 Cor 11:1-16
5 But
every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
In many countries, Roman Catholics have their women head covered with head coverings during the service. Do you think they are wrong as well ?
As for the priesthood of the church, all bornagain believers are the priests.
There is no distinction between laypeople and clergy at all in the Bible, after the resurrection of Jesus.
Read 1 Pet 2:5-9. All born-again believers ( including women) are the Priests offering the true service based on what Jesus has done already at the Cross.
Clergy system is absolutely wrong!
As for the Leadership, always the leaders of the churches appear in plural, except the cases where Bible explains the definition of Elders or the Bishops or the qualification of Bishop ( Overseers) Read Phil 1:1, Acts 20:17-30, 1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9
If you visit the true Assemblies, so-called Plymouth Brethren, you will find them as the exact followers of the Early Church.
There are many famous PB's during the short period of its service.
- John Nelson Darby who started the movement around 1827, was a genius judge, expected to become a successful judge at the supreme court, but gave up all the secular life and devoted for the Lord, lived as a bachelor even though he had a lovely sister-in the Lord to marrry.
translated Bible from original languages into English, French, German for OT and NT. into Italian for NT.
- George Mueller : Father of Orphans.
Famous for his 50,000 prayers which receieved the answers from God
- CH McINtosh : famous for Commentary on Pentateuch
- David Livingstone - Missionary to Africa
- Hudson Taylor - Inland China Missionary, influenced Watchman Nee
- Robert Anderson - famous for apologetics on Daniel's 70 weeks, proven the exactness of 69 weeks from the construction of Jerusalem until the crucifixion of Jesus, etc.
- Harry Ironside - who mainly worked with Brethren though he preached at Moody's memorial church during his later times.
- Joseph Scrivener - famous for his Hymn song " What a friend we have in Jesus ! " who lived near Toronto, at Port Hope along with poor people.
- James Deck - Hymn song writer for many worship songs
- Robert Chapman - Lawyer and advocator for the poor people.
who lieved 100 years age, saying " there are many people who claim they believe in Jesus, but a few who are really born again, I made it my motto that I preach Jesus Chrst by living the life of Jesus Christ"
There are not so many Plymouth Brethren on the world today, but they do a lot of contribution in many fields, including Arthur Farstad and Zane Hodges who translated New King James Version, and many Scientists in Creation Truth, many evangelists in Africa, EH Broadbent famous for Church History - "Pilgrim Church" ( you can see a glimpse of it ;
There are hundreds of famous believers who have been recognized with their faith and contributions whose names I cannot afford to ilustrate on this board all.
There are many Hymns songs written by PB's, some may be even in your hymn book
Who are you condemning the servants of the Lord without knowing them properly ?
10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. ( Romans 14:10)