Inquiring Mind said:
As I said: "whether they deny it or not."
How do you know that those in heaven can't hear prayers? How do you know that God has not given those in heaven the ability to hear? How do you know. No one for sure what gifts and rewards God has given. God does say that we would be like him when get to heaven.
First and foremost because the Bible is my final authority in all matters of faith and doctrine. I do not look to tradition, whether RCC or otherwise to shape my beliefs.
1. How do you know that those in heaven can't hear prayers?
Even if they could they can't do anything about it. Only God can answer prayer. Praying to any creature other than God alone is idolatry. Everytime Israel went praying to other gods, like Baal, it was idolatry. The same holds true for Mary and other so-called saints. Sinners can't answer prayers. Mary and all others in heaven are sinners, but sinners who have been saved by the grace of God. They are also dead. Their bodies remain in the grave to this day. Only Christ has risen from the dead. Do you deny this? Do you deny that the resurrection is yet to come? Would you care to go to a cemetary and start digging up graves and tell me what you would find? Do you think that you would find the bodies of
dead people? They are dead precisely because the resurrection has not taken place.
James 2:26
For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
--Even the Bible defines it as dead.
It is against Scripture to pray to the dead. It is called necromancy. It is sin.
The only one that can hear prayer and do anything about it is God.
Why do you think that God commands you to confess your sin to Him before He will answer prayer. What good would it do to confess it to another spirit. That is dabbling with the occult.
2. How do you know that God has not given others the ability to others to hear.
God will not share his glory with another. Worship God and Him alone. Prayer is worship. Praying to anyone else is sin. By praying to another you are worshiping and God does not allow you or any other to worship another. We worship God, not his creation.
Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
3. "God says that we shall be like him."
What is the context.
1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
We shall see him as he is.
The context is his body. We shall be like him in that we shall have a body like unto his. It is not speaking of the power that God has. In this you are deceived.
Asking those in heaven to pray for us is not worshipping them. What is worship in it's trueist sense? If you look at the biblical definition, it's called PROSTRATING oneself in homage.
That is only one small part of worship. Have you ever been to a "worship service" and have seen what is involved in what some believe to be worship?
Worship: How do dictionaries define the word:
Etymology: Middle English worshipe worthiness, respect, reverence paid to a divine being, from Old English weorthscipe worthiness, respect, from weorth worthy, worth + -scipe –ship
reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also : an act of expressing such reverence
Is the offering of the emotions and desires of the soul to God, in the name and through the mediation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the communion of the heart with God through the aid of the Holy Spirit, and is to the Christian the very life of the soul. Without this filial spirit, no one can be a Christian, Job 21:15; Ps 10:4.
reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also : an act of expressing such reverence
He who lives without it thereby reveals the atheism of his heart. God requires all men thus to worship him, Eze 36:37; Mt 7:1-11; Php 4:6; 1Ti 2:1-3; Jas 1:5; and for neglecting this duty there can be no sufficient excuse. (American Tract Society Dictionary)
Prayer is worship. Every time one prays to Mary he or she is worshiping her, worship that due only to God.
what does this have to do with the discussion?
Everything. Only God deserves worship. Christ was showing his divinity by accepting prayer and/or worship. No other person could do that.
You're starting to sound like the SDAs now. They don't believe anyone is in heaven except God, Angels, Enoch, Elijah, and possibly Moses. Do you also believe the soul and body are inseparable and the soul is just asleep drifting around whereever the body is?
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. My beliefs differ from the SDA. But one's spirit is present with the Lord, not their body. For the resurrection has not taken place. Therefore they are still considered dead.
Actually, tradition with a little t says that doubting thomas asked to see the body of Mary after her death, they opened the tomb and found it empty. Since the early church was hung up on relics of dead saints, don't you think there would be a church somewhere that holds her bones, just like the churches have possess the bones of Peter, Paul, and other of noteworthy righteousnes?
As I said before I don't base my doctrine on tradition, fables, myth, legend or any other such thing. My beliefs are grounded in the Word of God, and therein will I take my stand. There is no such thing as the Assumption of Mary. Mary is dead. You may not be able to find her tomb. So what! Her body has no doubt rotted by now. That makes no difference to me. You pray to her; you commit idolatry. It would be wise for you to study the Ten Commandments once again.
Exodus 20:2-5 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
No she is not.
The RCC, EOC, and others of like mind don't define praying as worshipping.
How do you worship God? What is considered worship?
Yes she is treated as God, and worshiped as God.
I have already defined worship for you.
Let me define God. There are two sets of attributes in defining God. One is metaphysical, and the other set is moral.
The metaphysical attributes of God is what sets God apart from man. No man can attain to these attributes. What are they?
1. God is self-existent. He is not dependent on any one or anything. John 1:4 sayas "In him was life." All life emanates from God. He is self-existent.
2. He is eternal. God alone is eternal. He existed before all things and will exist throughout all eternity. Only God possesses this attribute.
3. He is omniscient (all-knowing). If you remember Scripture:
Jesus knew from the beginning who should betray him. Why? He is all-knowing.
When he healed the man in the synagogue, he said to the Pharisees: "Why reason in your hearts..." How did he know what was in their hearts? He is all-knowing.
4. He is omnipotent (all powerful). God can do anything that is not contrary to his nature. For example he cannot lie for that would be contrary to his nature to do so. He demonstrated that through his works. He calmed the sea, walked on water, raised the dead, etc.
5. He is omnipresent (everywhere at once). Mary cannot be everywhere and thus cannot hear the prayers of one billion Catholics world wide. Only God is omnipresent. This is where Catholics attribute Godhood to Mary. Omnipresence belongs to God alone.
John 3:13 Christ talking to Nicodemus says that he is in Heaven while speaking to Nicodemus at the same time. In the Great Commission (Mat.28:20) He promises to be with us to the end of the world. He will be everywhere with every believer in every age until the end of the world. He is omnipresent.
There is another class of attributes called moral attributes: holy, truth, love, righteous, etc. God is perfect in all these. Man can only attain them in part. But in the first group (metaphysical attributes), man cannot attain at all. Those attributes belong to God alone. To attribute any of those qualities to man (or Mary) is blasphemy. And yet the RCC does that to Mary. They blasphemously make Mary into a god.