Taufgesinnter said:
Very well--then we agree that you that must either deny that Jesus is God or you deny that Mary is His Mother. Then we're done here. You don't know enough history to have common ground to discuss the subject.
I believe Jesus is God. Period.
But I don't call Mary as Mother of God because nobody in the Bible called her in that way.
The Word God is usually understood to mean the Godhead Father when it is not specified with any Godhead, and therefore Mother of God can be misunderstood to mean the Mother of God.
If you cannot believe that Jesus is God without calling Mary as Mother of God, you are obsessed with goddess worhship belief.
Jesus was God before Mary existed on the earth. His deity has nothing to do with Mary.
Jesus said " Before Abraham was, I am" ( John 8:58)
Moses believed in Christ ( Heb 11:26)
Jesus was the Creator of Mary, Producer of Mary. Without Jesus, Mary could not exist on this earth ( Col 1:16, Eph 3:9)
Again, let me show you:
1) Mary is Mother of Jesus
2) Jesus is God.
3) Mary is Mother of God.
4) God the Father is God
5) Mary is Mother of God
6) Mary is Mother of God the Father because God the Father is God.
7) Mary is Mother of God the Holy Spirit because Holy Spirit is God
What is the difference between God in 3) and God in 4) ?
What is the difference between God in 3) and God in 7) ?
God is One, and three Godheads are Tri-Unity.
Nobody in the Bible called Mary as Mother of God, and therefore all the writers of Bible were denying the deity of Jesus ?
Again I want to emphasize that when God is mentioned, it is normally understood meaning God the Father.
When you call Mary as Mother of God, it sounds that Mary produced God the Father, and pre-existed before God the Father.
Nobody in the Bible calls her as Mother of God.
When Elizabeth called Mary " Mother of my Lord" ( Lk 1:43), did she know the Trinity and meant that Oh, the Mother of God is coming! ?
The word Adonai was used by Sarah when she called Abraham as well ( 1 Pet 3:6 )
Jesus called her " woman"
Paul called her " woman"
Luke reported " mother of Jesus"
Mary never called herself as Mother of God, but called God the Savior, which means she herself is a sinner requiring the Savior.( Lk 1:47)
Where is Mother of God mentioned ?
Remember the word " Mother" has 2 important meanings:
1) Produce, Beget, Give birth to.
2) Pre-existence
This word cannot be applied to the God as God has no Father, no Mother, and He exist for Himself as Yehowah means.
Mary was a sinner needing a Savior Luke 1:47. The relationship between Mary and God is mentioned by her. She was a believer and God was the Savior. She never mentioned herself as Mother of God !