orthodox said:
What is a True Believer? Someone who disbelieves part of the bible? How strange.
Roman Catholic, the Idol Worshippers and Goddess worshippers were not the true believers and the people who refused such idolatry, living faithful to the commandments of God were the true believers. They refused the Apocrypha.
Most books of the bible make no such claim. By that criteria you only have a few books left.
It is not difficult to identify the claim of the authors for most of the books in Bible.
For example, Pentateuch won't have any problem even if we check them with such criteria, as Moses wrote them according to the commandments from God.
Do you doubt about Samuel ? about Isaiah ? about 12 prophets?
Doesn't Job include the oracle from God ?
There could some argument against Esther or Ruth etc, but Ruth can easily be understood as the teaching on messianic genealogy.
If you study and check further, only books which can be argued may be Esther and Song of Solomon where there have been arguments on their verasity or authenticity.
Firstly, you have no proof of this. Secondly, whether it was written in Greek or not, it still remains a work of the Jews. No scholar would dispute it. Thirdly, not even all the protestant OT canon is written in classical Hebrew. Some is written in Aramaic.
If anyone expects God would tell him or her any commandments in the language which cannot be understood by the listeners, he or she may be insane.
Pagan gods may be doing so, as Roman Catholic contains lots of paganism.
Some Parts of Nehemiah/Ezra and Daniel contain Aramaic, but the whole contexts of Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah were written in Hebrew.
Those Aramaic portion was the quotations of what they wrote to the Aramaic King or Chaldean Kings. If Israelites of today wrote a letter to Mr. G Bush, they would have written in English. If anyone record the story about it, they would quote the exact wordings in English.
Likewise only the small portion was quoted in the original language of the letters. Moreover, between Aramaic and Hebrew there are lots of similarity and in the ancient times the most of Israelites could understand Aramaic.
The difference might have been like the one between Hollywood English and Aussie English.
But in case of Septuagint, the Greek language was far different from Hebrew.
Really. Why won't somebody tell me who is referred to in Heb 11:35 "But others were tortured, not accepting release, to obtain resurrection to a better life."
It's a very clear reference to the events of 2 Macabees 7. There is no other event in Jewish history that fits.
2 Maccabees 7:13-14 After he too had died, they maltreated and tortured the fourth in the same way. When he was near death, he said, "One cannot but choose to die at the hands of mortals and to cherish the hope God gives of being raised again by him. But for you there will be no resurrection to life!"
Nope! it is not referring to Maccabees, but it was quite common to the martyrs and therefore it is indicating Rev 20:5 ( the rest of the people would not revive, while some chosen people enjoy the better resurrection)
So, such claim that Maccabees were quoted cannot be proven by it.
The protestant canon teaches genocide.
Nope ! Roman Catholic taught the Genocide !
The Devout Roman Catholic Adolf Hitler, Devout Roman Catholic Himmler, Devout Catholic Goebbels, Mussolini, Franco the dictator of Spain, etc were all Roman catholic.
Read this:
Read this:
What about the Crusade which killed the Christians in Alps and Jews ?
Does Bible teach Roman Catholic that they should kill the people if they are found heretic ?
Roman Catholic may be eager to find the clues to support such Genocide, from Apocrypha.
There were 4 kings who took the name Antiochus. Antiohus I (280-261 BC), Antiohus II (261-246 BC), Antiohus III (222-187 BC), Antiohus IV (175-164 BC).
It's amazing how protestants will grab cheap shots of random web sites to win an argument, but won't do their own investigations to defend the Word of God instead of attacking it.
it is ridiculous that RC try to find the clues from Apocrypha to pray to the dead woman, dead people. Could you say where was Antiocus Ephipanes dead ?
Firstly, Josephus never says what books are in the bible. Secondly, he is a Jew writing well after the time of Christ who rejects the entire NT canon. Who cares what he says?
Josephus mentioned 22 books in the Bible,
5 books of Torah, 13 history books, 4 writings which include Psalm, which indicates all the OT bibles as the Protestants have today.
( Ref : The Dead Sea Scrolls Today by James C. Vanderkam, p 148)
You can find No Apocrypha mentioned in Josephus books.
Not classical Hebrew which I have already documented in this thread. Classical Hebrew was a dead language well before Christ. This was the more modern Hebrew tongue otherwise known as Aramaic.
And who cares if Paul occasionally spoke a Hebrew tongue? Talk about an irrelevant distraction to the real issue.
If Paul delievered the address in Hebrew to the Jews as we read in Acts 21:40 and 22:2, then how much more could we believe that the Israelites at that time used the Hebrew language in their RELIGIOUS life?
Hebrew was not dead ! it was living language as we remember the title on the Cross was written in Hebrew so that the passers-by could read in Hebrew!
Pffft. So what if they were? (which BTW you havn't documented). The point is, the quotes often agree with the LXX in meaning, and disagree with the MT.
Have you ever read Bible in Greek and in Hebrew ?
I have read NT in Greek many times and some good portion of OT in Hebrew. I have much amount of comparison between NT Quote and LXX and confirmed that there are too many differences for the people to believe that the NT writers quoted LXX.
There could be Pre-existing Hebrew OT which was used as the basis for the Septuagint, but such Hebrew OT do not exist today.
Moreover Dead Sea Scrolls showed the accuracy of Masoretic Texts when the scholars compared on Isaiah.
There is no jot and tittle in Greek which was mentioned by Jesus in Mt 5:18, and the order of Septuagint is far different from Masoretic Text as MT 24:35 implies. Jesus mentioned the first martyr of OT (Abel) and the last martyr of OT ( Zechariah) according to the order of Masoretic Texts, not in the order of Septuagint. Luke 24:44 proves Jesus mention the composition of the bible according to MT, not to Septuagint which include Apocrypha.