DHK said:That is as much documentation as this book will give you. I hope you are satisfied. I have been in the ministry for 30 years. Much of what I tell you is basic common Biblical knowledge which I don't have to look up and document.
Thankyou for finally documenting your source so that I can refer to it and see what's going on. The Bagster editions are of Brenton's text, and now we can see that your error is that you don't understand Roman numerals and you are refering to Isaiah 62:4 instead of Isaiah 42:4. You need to look for XLII not LXII.
Yes, I have read the foolishness of Daniel being in the Daniel's den a third time. An angel appears to a prophet by the name of Obadiah with a basket of food, and commands him to take to Daniel who is in the lion's den. Obadiah answers indignantly: "I know not this Daniel, nor will I take this food to him." Whereupon the angel grabs the hair of Obadiah and carries him through the air and sets him down in the midst of the den of lions that Daniel may eat his lunch.
--Now isn't that a nice fairy tale.It has no bearing in history, cannot be proved historically, archeologically or in any other way. It is a fable and that is all. It is a totally fabricated story without any substance of inspiration, authority of God, prophetic demeanour, etc. It is only a story and that is all. It is not Scripture.
The next story is just as bad--the story of Daniel and Bel and Dagon. It is another fairy tale story, as is the story of Suzzanah. These are fictitious. Yes, I have read the Apocrypha, and as I implied earlier, was ready to quote to you the prologue of Sirach (if need be) to demonstrate that even Sirach does not believe that the Apocrypha has the same authority as the Hebrew Old Testament.
Still no answer to the question. Maybe if I repeat it a third time I'll get lucky. "Have you read the apocrypha whilst looking up and cross referencing the well known allusions to the NT?"
[The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach.] Because I have studied extensively the manner and education of the Jews.
They grew up in the synagogues during the intertestamental period when the Temple was not repaired. Even in the time of Christ the synagogues remained as the training and educational institutions for the Jews. It was there that the Jews learned to read the Torah, and their sacred language, Hebrew. They all learned it. It was obligatory. It was the national language of the Israelites, as it is today, just as Arabic is to the Muslim. They need it to read their Holy Scriptures. A translation will not do. Remember we are speaking primarily about the Apostles here, especially when referring to the passage in Matthew. I have already referenced you a couple passages in Acts where Paul spoke in Hebrew to the entire nation. And you still don't think that the nation didn't understand Hebrew? Amazing! Is this an admission that you don't believe Acts 21:40 and Acts 22:2? Hebrew wasn't spoken any more you say. The Bible says differently.
Matthew knew Hebrew fluently, as well as Greek--the common language of the people, as well as Latin--the official language of the government. They were not uneducated people.
<sigh> The language of the Hebrew people during the 1st century was NOT biblical Hebrew. Yes, it is a "Hebrew language" in the sense that it is a language of the Hebrew people, but it is not the Hebrew of the old testament. Everybody knows that, it is why the Passion of the Christ movie was made in Aramaic.
I quote Bruce Metzger "The New Testament, Its Background Growth and Content, P32: "Greek was widely understood in Palestine, particularly in the north which was commonly called the Galillee of the Gentiles. Bilingualism was an economic necessity. Bilingualism had its roots in the 2nd century before Christ when the Seleucid rulers promoted the deliberate poicy of Grecizing the Jewish population of Palestine. The other language in common in Palestine was Aramaic, the mother tongue of the Jews. Though the rabbis and learned scribes still had a fluent command of the classical Hebrew of the OT for the ordinary Jewish populace biblical Hebrew was approaching the status of a dead language".
Now where is your documentation for your unheard of fabrications?
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