Scott Downey
Well-Known Member
Gates does not want a natural immunity where people get the infection and get over it, because for one reason, vaccines make a lot of money. He is or was in favor of a protracted lock down to wait for a vaccine, which of course ruins lives, livelihoods, companies, economies, worse than getting sick and then the vast majority are better soon over and done. Globalists do not care about you or your livelihoods, you are simply pawns. But they talk a lot about helping people dont they. Modern medicine has created dilemmas about public policies that never could have existed in the even recent past.Don’t worry, sarc, they are probably using it already doing their ‘clinical’ trials on the poor & unsuspecting in some hidden corner of the world, because those lives are only valuable for the betterment of the power hungry who would like to control the world. Gates wants mandatory vaccines for the world, with tracking capability & is ready to be the vaccine God.
I wouldn’t take his vaccine.
Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination • Children's Health Defense