The POTUS took the following Oath of Office, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
The oath itself is not long on words, but it is powerful and it holds the man or woman swearing to it, to some awesome responsibilities regarding America and its citizens. It seems that with each move of the pen, Obama loses more respect from those in the military, to mention a few.
It has become abundantly clear that this president is no longer, "to the best of his ability"
1) Preserving the Constitution of the United States...
2) Protecting the Constitution of the United States... and
3) Defending the Constitution of the United States...
So, should this president continue to ignore the Constitution, by letting this nation slide into financial ruin; military weakness; and lack of confidence by the majority of Americans to "execute the duties of the Office of President", face a Congressional or military coup?
Could this even happen in America?
There was a time I could've bet the ranch-if. I was a betting person-that a coup would never happen in this country. However, it seems that Obama is losing support by past and even some current people on staff, and the military are growing impatient as we look extremely helpless to anything to stop even the smallest of nations from committing atrocities.
What are your thoughts? :type:
The oath itself is not long on words, but it is powerful and it holds the man or woman swearing to it, to some awesome responsibilities regarding America and its citizens. It seems that with each move of the pen, Obama loses more respect from those in the military, to mention a few.
It has become abundantly clear that this president is no longer, "to the best of his ability"
1) Preserving the Constitution of the United States...
2) Protecting the Constitution of the United States... and
3) Defending the Constitution of the United States...
So, should this president continue to ignore the Constitution, by letting this nation slide into financial ruin; military weakness; and lack of confidence by the majority of Americans to "execute the duties of the Office of President", face a Congressional or military coup?
Could this even happen in America?
There was a time I could've bet the ranch-if. I was a betting person-that a coup would never happen in this country. However, it seems that Obama is losing support by past and even some current people on staff, and the military are growing impatient as we look extremely helpless to anything to stop even the smallest of nations from committing atrocities.
What are your thoughts? :type: