I used the reference to Ahab because God used a lie to trick Ahab and was pleased an angel came up with the solution which was to lie; Rahab lied and as a result God saw fit to illustrate her faith in God for all eternity.
Don't be surprised when Ahab is resuscitated with the rest of Israel per Ezekiel's valley of dry bones and lives somewhere on the Millennial Kingdom earth. He certainly won't be living in millennial Israel nor have access to Ezekiel's temple but he'll probably be living in Palmdale, California or Twenty Nine Palms wondering what he needs to do to get it right this time.
What is perceived and discerned through your own words is that even you are used by the same lying spirit that you invoked in your posts, and he inspired you to write the above liar content. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, false witness, blasphemies, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts-Matt.15:v.19.
Remember: Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in this Day of Judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matt. 12:v.36-37
All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord GOD- the Word- weighs the spirits-Prov. 16:v.2. You were weighed in the balances, and are found wanting.
Be careful or get ready
Your use of Romans 2 is confusing because that chapter in context refers back to Romans 1 and the Roman believers who pointed their self-righteous fingers at the people doing Romans 1:18-32, not realizing that Paul was actually speaking of those Roman believers (who will receive resurrection bodies) doing exactly the same thing per Romans 2:1. A rope-a-dope on Paul's part if you will. IOW, Romans 2 is the beginning of the solution (Romans 2:7) for unfaithful believers like those in Rome. Not doing the solution per the entire rest of Romans means loss of inheritance in eternity, but NOT loss of salvation, two very different things.
Oh you are mixing Scriptures to justify the lies you have sowed.
Be careful or get ready